Those in a state of grace and those in a state of mortal sin. These are no other types of Catholics.ones who take themselves seriously and ones who dont
Those in a state of grace and those in a state of mortal sin. These are no other types of Catholics.ones who take themselves seriously and ones who dont
I can see the level animosity towards them can be rather intense. Better to hate the sin than the sinner perhaps?liberal catholics keep company with wolves & the culture of death
no Franky because I think such ‘social justice’ brings poverty and authoritarianism. It also creates envy, division and theft. It opposes the Christian mission and creates a corrupt and overbearing government. To be completely honest I think it also lacks a commitment to objective truth which literally brings a type of madness. The whole political movement needs to be opposed and ultimately destroyed IMHO.I agree that liberals at least seem to place more priority on social justice matters.
Hypothetical question, if all things remained the same between the two political parties, but the only difference was that Democrats were also now pro-life, would that sway a lot of conservative Catholics to the Democratic party (with all it’s other political stances still considered)?
Hell might turn out to be a frozen landscape like Antarctica with nothing to eat and nothing to do. We do tend to get obsessed with fire and flames.So which of these groups is in risk of the fires of hell?
No abortion is intrinsically evil, so no circumstances or intentions can make abortion moral.
You mean, The Right Response?Bingo! Knew I’d get that response!
Dante’s Inferno has such a place…Hell might turn out to be a frozen landscape like Antarctica with nothing to eat and nothing to do. We do tend to get obsessed with fire and flames.