Democracy as the enemy of the faith? The Church is a monarchical structure. Christ is the King of kings. Is democracy un-Christian? Christ made Peter the head of the Church. He did not say you 11 faithful apostles you are rocks and I shall build my church upon your democratic agreement. Democracy asserts that all people are equal in much more than just dignity. Isn’t this against Church teaching? Why should a state trust its governance to the average person? Does not a state have responsibility to God before the people? Democracy has led to horrible evils. The concept of democracy spawned the concept of communism. Since communism (in its idealistic form) is a democracy with no private property. Democracy led to the execution of kings and countless numbers of other people. Democracy led to legalized abortions. Where will democracy lead us next? Some might say that it is the best system around. The modern liberal democratic state has been around for only 221 years. I am tracking from 1787, the year the US constitution was adopted. Then there was the French Revolution which was vehemently anti-Catholic. The revolutions throughout the 19th century, and then the Russian Revolution. What good has come from liberal democracy? Is democracy leading to a renewal of anti-clericalism? Is it making people think they are just as high as the priest? Does it make people not respect the bishops anymore?