Forgive me if the question seems a little strange to me, sort of asking me for my sources about Jews dying in the Holocaust or what are my sources that the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbour.
If we view the European Holocaust as a holocaust of Ashkenazi Jewry we may view the inqusition and the events around it as the Sephardic Holocaust.
Yes I am Jewish. In addition to academic studies in Law and political science I also have an academic background in Jewish history and the history of Zionism.
I know that there is a concerted effort by certain Catholic appologists to either falsely dismiss the inquisitions as minor incidents or to falsely claim that the acts were divorced from Catholicism and the Catholic Church. Others wish to dismiss the inquisitions as a Protestant or Jewish myth. Still others claim, imorally and illogically, that since many were victims of forced conversions to Catholicism in order to maintain their livelihood and to not be expelled, the inquisitions were an internal Catholic matter. In fact, as stated, they affected the entire Jewish community. Please know that no victim of the inquisition was ever aquitted. You either confessed your guilt or were found guilty.
I would be happy to guide you to reliable historical sources if you explain what you specifically wish to learn: the edicts behind the inquisitions and their connection to the Catholic Church, the expulsion of the Jews in 1492, the forced conversions, massacres of Jews, the political and religious reasoning behind the inquisitions, the effect of the inquisitions on the Spanish economy etc. If you feel uncomfortable discussing these matters openly please feel free to send me a private message.
Finally, it is not my wish by giving a more accurate and reliable account of these events to attack or impugn in any way Catholics or the Catholic Church. My interest on this forum is two fold. First, as a place where I may practice and improve my english. Secondly, my interest in examining how Jews and Jewish history are perceived by non Jews.