Catholic ecumenism is not concerned with non-Christian religions, but rather with the Baptized, but separated who still profess a belief in the Triune God.Also, we’ll never get that Cahtolic World unless we have the faith and courage to say that Christ is the ONLY way and Christ only founded ONE church and STOP saying all religions are of value, praying with Jews, Moslems, etc. This whole ecumenism thing is deeply evil and at the root of so much confusion.
That being said, as St. Thomas Aquinas explained, where there is truth, it comes from God, so there is value. The Catholic Church has always had the position that whatever is good is supplemented and completed by conversion to the true faith–it’s usually not an all or nothing.
Also, I don’t know if you have had much experience bringing non-Christians into the fold, but friendly, fraternal dialogue, where we first understand where we agree, and then show how the full truth follows from those truths, is much more effective for demonstrating the truth than simply saying someone’s beliefs are completely valueless and then preaching at them.