As I recall it, Lenin directed the killing of political opponents whom he called “harmful insects”. I don’t know that the left has changed much from his day.
Why should we care about what Lenin said? Should we also include the burning of Giordano Bruno?
You support abortion or you don’t.
If you don’t know the difference between supporting the choice and not the result of a choice… there is no reason to continue.
I agree to an extent. I hope you would agree that not all laws are just.
Of course I agree. Of course it depends on how one defines a “just” law.
would you agree that legalized slavery is unjust, and not a “paramount” law of the land that should have been blindly followed?
In our day and age and our society. But it was perfectly acceptable in the biblical times, even if we call it “indentured servitude”. The point is that there in no absolute morality and no absolute “just” laws. Just like there is no universal ethical system.
life begins at sperm-egg fusion
This is sloppy and incorrect. The egg and the sperm are already alive. And it is possible to “nudge” an egg and start to grow into a new being. It will always be a “female”, of course. Virgin birth can only produce females. And with already existing technology we can perform cloning - so this new human being does not start as a fertilized egg - aka zygote.
The zygote is an organism…a human being that is different from just “human cells” or as you say “human tissue”
Yes, it is different. What is the difference? A clump of cells may be a blastocyst or a cancerous growth. Both are composed of human cells. I guess I must be more precise, because otherwise I will be accused of calling a “baby” a “cancer”. (The number of intentional (?) misunderstandings is scary. Many of my posts are flagged to death, even when they are polite and follow the the forum rules, but they are not politically correct… or should I say, “catholically” correct

) I do NOT confuse a blastocyst with cancer. But I insist on being more precise. The difference is that one MAY grow into something we call a human being, while the other one cannot. So the difference is what they MAY become, not what they ARE.
If you support Roe V Wade, you want to the right to procure an abortion…thus pro-abortion RIGHTS advocate.
I stand corrected. Yes, I would like to see abortion eliminated, but keep the right to have one.
I almost forgot: 95% of biologists from 1058 academic institutions affirm the biological view that a human’s life begins at fertilization
So what? Every chicken begins as an egg, and still we don’t confuse a “fried egg” with “fried chicken”. The differences are substantial, not just quantitative but also