Democratic Party Senators voted 47 - 0 against confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett: Had 3 more Democrats won seats in 2018, Barrett would not be a Supre

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No, I don’t. In our day and age, and in our society we can agree. But not universally. We have many divergent ethical systems.
Are these systems equal? Or are some systems better than others? If so, what makes them better
What is there to question? That the sperm and the egg are already alive?
It does not need a scientific endeavor to understand the difference between a “fried egg” and a “fried chicken”.
I’ll let the conversation drop about when life begins. You aren’t really addressing the scientific arguments put forth by the white paper, and I have no compelling reason to put weight on your assertions.
Are these systems equal? Or are some systems better than others? If so, what makes them better
That is the point. There are is no epistemological method to compare one ethical system with another one, since they are subjective. Just like there is no epistemological method to compare two musical pieces and decide which is more beautiful than the other.
If you don’t know the difference between supporting the choice and not the result of a choice… there is no reason to continue.
There is no difference

choice is abortion

Supporting choice supports abortion

Choice is a feel good excuse
You DON’T know the outcome.
Nonsense, people who want their child don’t even consider abortion they are not involved in the choice. Choice is a feel-good word for aborting your baby, coined by the pro-abortion advocates to make the action more acceptable
reproductive choice”.
Do you mean planning before the sex act using an approved Catholic family planning method?
Are these systems equal? Or are some systems better than others? If so, what makes them better
That is the point. There are is no epistemological method to compare one ethical system with another one, since they are subjective. Just like there is no epistemological method to compare two musical pieces and decide which is more beautiful than the other.
Hmmm…I guess we are at an impasse here to. I would assert that most people would disagree with you…that most people have an inherent knowledge that child rape and molestation is wrong without ever being told (this is natural law). Its not a subjective feeling for most people.
Hmmm…I guess we are at an impasse here to. I would assert that most people would disagree with you…that most people have an inherent knowledge that child rape and molestation is wrong without ever being told (this is natural law). Its not a subjective feeling for most people.
As I said, in this day and age and in this culture. Just a few decades ago it was perfectly normal to have children work 10-12 hours a day, seven days a week. Some were chimney sweepers, and when their hands and feet were burned… there were others to take their place.

From our perspective it was a horrible child abuse, but for them it was the normal way of life. So much for that “natural law”. Just think about it.
You are welcome to present the names of those who advocate killing infants .
I am late to the discussion, but your logic… Well, if I may.

Infant, lump of cells, not a person and many other names. All of which refer to a human life. No matter how we call it, they all mean a human.

Ok, so what about “Choice”? Well, what about it? What is the choice? You say the choice for a woman to make a decision about her body. I say, Ok. What is the decision? You say, to have the right to choose whether to be pregnant or not. I say ok, How? You say, by her having a discussion with her doctor to make the right decision. I say, ok tell me more. To which at this point I do not know how else you can still beat around the bush, to say that the ultimate choice is to “terminate” a pregnancy.

Ok, how is the pregnancy terminated? Well, let me tell you. An instrument is inserted in to the woman, and the “Clump of cells” is crushed, then a vacuum is used to suction the broken parts of that clump of cells.

You know what we call that? Murder.

What did the “Clump of cells” do to deserve a death sentence? Exist?

So people who say that they are pro choice, are literally saying that they are ok with a person killing an innocent human life in the womb.

If you want to discuss reasons, we can go over those as well. There is never a good reason.
Infant, lump of cells, not a person and many other names. All of which refer to a human life. No matter how we call it, they all mean a human.
Yes, I differentiate between DNA, cell, tissue, organ, organism, blastocyst, embryo, fetus and newborn. Also between egg and chicken and acorn and oak tree. Also between medical student and physician. There is always a lot of common things, and yet a huge amount of difference. Not just quantitative, but also qualitative differences.
Ok, how is the pregnancy terminated? Well, let me tell you.
Again, if you would consider the difference between contraception, the morning after pill and the late term abortions, we could have a conversation. Yes, those gruesome procedures exist, but they are very rare, and only happen in the most serious cases. So, if you would endorse contraceptives, and the morning after pills, we could find a common platform as a basis for a conversation. But the emotional: “tearing the baby from limb to limb” as if that would be the “norm” - does not help your cause.
You know what we call that? Murder.
You are free to call it anything you want to. But don’t expect others to agree. Until we can find a common platform and a common vocabulary we shall just talk past each other. What is the point?
Yes, I differentiate between DNA, cell, tissue, organ, organism, blastocyst, embryo, fetus and newborn. Also between egg and chicken and acorn and oak tree. Also between medical student and physician. There is always a lot of common things, and yet a huge amount of difference. Not just quantitative, but also qualitative differences.
Conception, fetus, New Born, Baby, Infant, child, teen, young adult, adult, middle age and old. All of those are the same person.

You want to have “Common” language, but somehow, they are all different? They are all one person. All of them. From conception to natural death, it is a person. What do you call it when you deliberately “terminate” the life of a person? Gluttony?
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Conception, fetus, New Born, Baby, Infant, child, teen, young adult, adult, middle age and old. All of those are the same person.
What is your definition of a “person”? Without a mutually agreed definition there can be no discussion.
Without a mutually agreed definition there can be no discussion.
If I need to define a person to have a discussion, shows the level of mental gymnastics people are willing to do, to come to a conclusion.

Well, is not really a person if “X” Y:Y or “Z” are met.

What is my definition? I will quote a great poet “A person is a person, no matter how small” ~ Horton
If I need to define a person to have a discussion, shows the level of mental gymnastics people are willing to do, to come to a conclusion.
If precision is “mental gymnastics” then it is useless to try to engage in a discussion. How arrogant and degrading.
What is my definition? I will quote a great poet “A person is a person, no matter how small” ~ Horton
Nice tautology, without any informational value.


Probably will not lead anywhere, but here is a suggested start.
  1. We are our minds.
  2. Our mind is the activity of the brain.
  3. The activity of the brain can be detected.
So until there is a detectable brain activity, there is no person.

Every part of it is provable.
So until there is a detectable brain activity, there is no person.
You are basing your “not a person” argument in a measurement done with instruments?

That is like saying the world is flat. Why? Because people argued the world was flat, because that is all they could see.
So following your logic,someone who is brain dead ,due to a trauma,is no longer a person as well?
Former Democratic Party Senate leader Harry Reid was the one who eliminated the 60-vote threshold for Federal Judicial appointments.
But stopped short for SC Justices and the Fed appointments. Also for passing tax reform and healthcare bills.
I hate to break it to you but the SC has been mostly Republican appointed since RW and has only affirmed the original ruling.
But the emotional: “tearing the baby from limb to limb” as if that would be the “norm” - does not help your cause.
Does 600,000 abortions a year help your cause?

Why is fact called emotional?
But don’t expect others to agre
Of course they won’t agree, no matter what you call it, because they are pro-abortion

The dead baby is the common denominator no matter how pretty you make the words
What is your definition of a “person”?
Doesn’t matter when you are taking a life
So until there is a detectable brain activity, there is no person.
There is still life
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