You are welcome to present the names of those who advocate killing infants .
I am late to the discussion, but your logic… Well, if I may.
Infant, lump of cells, not a person and many other names. All of which refer to a human life. No matter how we call it, they all mean a human.
Ok, so what about “Choice”? Well, what about it? What is the choice? You say the choice for a woman to make a decision about her body. I say, Ok. What is the decision? You say, to have the right to choose whether to be pregnant or not. I say ok, How? You say, by her having a discussion with her doctor to make the right decision. I say, ok tell me more. To which at this point I do not know how else you can still beat around the bush, to say that the ultimate choice is to “terminate” a pregnancy.
Ok, how is the pregnancy terminated? Well, let me tell you. An instrument is inserted in to the woman, and the “Clump of cells” is crushed, then a vacuum is used to suction the broken parts of that clump of cells.
You know what we call that? Murder.
What did the “Clump of cells” do to deserve a death sentence? Exist?
So people who say that they are pro choice, are literally saying that they are ok with a person killing an innocent human life in the womb.
If you want to discuss reasons, we can go over those as well. There is never a good reason.