"Democrats for Life" calls for a stronger voice

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Catholic Heart said:
I agree with you. I, too, have been to the Democrats for Life website, and find these people to be good and sincere in their efforts to influence the Democratic Party.

I have to say that I find the Republican or nothing attitude to be found on these forums to be very irritating. There are plenty of Democrats who are pro-life, and who do not approve of same sex marriages. To paint everyone with the same broad brush is not right…

I am a Demorcrat who is very much pro-life…I voted for Bush for that reason, alone. I wanted to vote against him, because of the War in Iraq, but could not. Don’t get me started on that one…I could write a book…

Catholic Heart
 This Republican is pleased that there is such a group as "Democrats for Life" and Democrats like Catholic Heart. While I typically lean Republican on economic and national security issues, I would not be averse to voting for a good Democratic candidate. Sadly, all too often Democrats forfeit my vote (and many others) with their extreme pro-abortion stance. The country would be a better one if the Dems would get with the program.
“You can’t legislate morality…”

I suppose that was also the rallying cry of the pro-slavery faction.
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