Not only can I not, it has been addressed on this thread that I do not need to.boom,boom,boom, I am shooting the messenger… kidding…
You say that it is what the Scripture say. That sounds Protestant…
You say that it is what the Church teaches. Can you quote an “ex-cathedra” dogma saying that there are demon possessions?
Not all Dogma’s are De Fide. ** There are three types of Dogmas.
Please notice that there is no distinction in certainty; there is only a distinction in explication. A catholic is required to believe ALL truths handed down to us in the deposit of faith; these are the revealed truths and are called Fides Divina Dogmas. When people are ignorant of these truths or perhaps have proposed some novel teaching in its stead the church will explicate the divinely revealed truth in it’s ordinary magisterial teachings; these are called Fides Catholica Dogmas. When enough people proceed to obstinately deny the churches teaching on the matter the church will formally define it through the Pope [Ex Cathedra] or by council; these are called De fide Definita Dogmas. All of our faith is in the first type, most of our faith is in the second type and only a few things are in the third. All of these are equally binding on pain of sin by divine law.
Please read the above post carefully. We are obligated to believe the entirety of the deposit of faith. Demonic possession is a Fides Catholica Dogma, so it is just as certain as if every Pope in history had declared it Ex Cathedra.