seek deeper to believe, to receive this faith, sadly,some will not believe anything beyond their senses and reason. God bless and enlighten us all.Carlan
I guess it boils down to my belief that you don’t have to belong to a specific church to be and mature to all God intends for you…That’s why the word is what the Holy Spirits uses…I think you might be surprised at the maturity some will have apart from belonging to your Catholic church…The scriptures provide equal opportunity believers…It’s our choice to die daily to become more like Him…The Lord will take us deeper by our desire to be changed into His image…He can do that to a Catholic, a Protestant or and Orthodox…We individually choose how deep we go…Hey I know you feel your church has the only answers, that’s fine with me. I answer individually to the Lord…I have been walking with Christ for almost 40 years and believe or not I’ve learned to sense and know the Spirit talking to me…If I felt for one moment Him impressing me I need to become Roman Catholic, I’d do it in a heartbeat…I sleep with great peace knowing I am in His will right where I am…peace to you…Just remember there’s not going to be all Roman Catholics up there…