I recently read an article that said that a survivor of McCarrick’s abuse told John Paul II about it and he only said he would pray for him and nothing was ever done after that.
OK, here’s an article from Aug. 19, 2019:
Alleged priest sex abuse victim claims he told Pope John Paul II about ordeal in confession - New York Daily News A guy abused by McCarrick since he was 11 told John Paul II in confession, and JP did nothing. There were also articles in the NY Times, NBC News, etc. in mid-August.
Of course you can choose to dismiss the accuser as a liar, as has been the case for the last…fill in your own number. 2,000 years? 200? All I know is the number is too long. I choose to believe the accusers. As everyone should know by this time, studies have shown that there ARE false accusations–4% of the time. So 19 times+ out of 20, the accusations are valid. I’ll take those odds.
If scientists told us that 95% of the time, eating some food would kill us, would we be debating whether or not to eat the food? Would be saying “Well, they haven’t PROVED it kills people 95% of the time…it’s just circumstantial evidence.” Only if we were crazy.
If you think all this perversion is made up, I suggest you read about Mary Johnson. She became a nun at 19. She was in Mother Teresa’s order, and often was the sole companion of Mother Teresa in her travels. Her actual job in the order was to train nuns for the order in Rome. After about 20 years of this, she seduced one of the young nuns in a lesbian affair, and then, just to be even-handed, she had sex with a priest. Then she left the order. She’s actually quite proud of it all–you can read her book, or visit her web site, which advocates some New Age spirituality. I heard her speak in a relatively small audience (100?). It was 95% women in the audience, with a sprinkling of nuns in habits, and they all adored her: “She’s so BRAVE.” Not the adjective I would use. I was, and am, horrified. But I was the only one who was. So is all this stuff made up? Sadly, no.