I think the main reason that people are drawn to debate forums like this one, is because people instinctually like to argue. They like to assert their dominance. It’s the same thing that most animals do, only in a uniquely human fashion. In a pack of wolves for example the young cubs will instinctually attempt to assert their dominance, first within their peer group, and then as they age, they’ll attempt to assert their dominance within the hierarchy of the pack. But we humans have replaced physical confrontation with a greater degree of intellectual confrontation. We attempt to assert our authority through intellectual dominance rather than physical dominance. We try to persuade people slightly more through reason, and slightly less through force. Which has the effect of making participation in such confrontations appealing to a much broader group of people, because intellectual confrontation ameliorates the consequences that physical confrontations can entail. Add in the internet which cushions one from the consequences almost entirely, and it’s quite understandable that forums like this one are a magnet for intense debate.Who is the bigger fool: one who believes something foolish, or the one who comes to debate the fool non-stop? Who debates moon landing deniers day after day? Obstinately debating that which you deem foolish is…either supremely foolish, or betraying an intense search for that which you are debating.
The one who comes to debate supposed foolishness non stop in fact lends credibility to it.
So, gratitude is in order.
But just like in a pack of wolves not every member is as strongly driven toward confrontation as their peers are, and they shy away from it. In the same manner not every human is drawn to debate forums like this one. They find such confrontation unappealing. They prefer much calmer, less intense interaction. Like a nice low-key baking forum perhaps.
And like a pack of wolves a forums members mature over time, preferring reasoned discussions and civility, over confrontations, but not retreating from one if the situation calls for it. We prefer calm, civil discussions, but we’ll defend the clique, whatever we define that as, if it’s integrity is challenged. Some of us more fervently than others.
So I think that we CAF’ers are simply doing what evolution has influenced us to do. I also think that we’re clearly new to this whole social media thing. And I think that CAF should stick around, no matter the cost, because even though I may not agree with it, I’ve been on debate forums such as this one, for coming up on forty years now, and CAF has been arguably the best that I’ve ever come across.