If the only reason one believes in “social justice” is to get a “reward” in the afterlife, as opposed to doing the right thing for the simple reason that it is the right thing to do, than it seems that Jesus spoke to quite a few brick walls over the years from the time that He walked on this planet right up until now.If there were no afterlife it wouldn’t make sense to believe in social justice. In this life there is no answer to the bomb or the bullet. The law of the jungle would prevail…
There are many who do NOT believe in an afterlife that DO believe in social justice, by social justice, I mean being a decent human being, maybe not perfect but decent.
Many people’s idea of “justice” seems to have little to nothing to do with justice but is more in line with blood-sucking revenge and/or a cold-hearted holier than thou condemnation.
Thank God that not all have this “idea of justice”.