I know what I know intuitively, through the reality that is my existence at this very moment.
I can only try my best to explain it.
Much has been revealed in the teachings of the Church; this should be enough but it is because they have the ring of truth, which is ever growing, that I returned to Catholicism.
I exist and that existence includes the reality of the physical universe of which I am a participant.
I am matter relating to matter.
This relationship has aspects that are like billiard balls colliding
- photons hitting the retina setting up a cascade of neuralogical events, whose pattern of excitation is the physical reality of my seeing the materiel monitor in front of me and my typing in these words.
The relationship in which we are now engaging is also mental
- there is meaning to these words, which I may or may not be capable of transmitting to the reader.
At the same time, this all exists - it is real.
All this is a finite expression of being. My being is not merged with yours.
We are separate beings connecting intellectually about matters that transcend the world of things.
This universe can be imagined as a shattered mirror, where each individual life has its own being, the alternative one massive consciousness. This isn’t actually the case.
Consciousness is not an object, but involves relating. Whether it is perceptions or ideas or feelings, they connect us with what is other.
We are souls
- if you think about it, you will lose it
- but, engage in a dialogue, give yourself to knowing and loving the person in front of you and you will see something, someone that is totally inexplicable, being what it is - the reality of a living human being.
- seeing death, you will see that that person is no longer with us; look into the eyes, that person is gone.
When I was a kid, having been tormented by my very existence for a long time, and having read much on the various religions, philosophies and psychologies, I vowed, taking a cue from the Buddha under the bodhi tree, that I would never rise again unless I knew what this is all about. Let us say, I never feared death again. I fear what I have done and my not being able to do what I should. I fear what keeps me from that which (actually He who) is the fulfillment of life.
I will die. All that I have will remain in this world - my body, my belongings, the remnants of what i have done in this world. I will remain in God’s eternal being. The people I love will remain in that love. It is all about love - it is eternal.
I can’t say I know much of anything, but that’s my take on it anyway.