Copies are not identical. That’s fine. God could create something that was in all respects the same as himself except that the other thing was created.(Answering the question, “What is the greatest thing God could create?”)
I’m not so sure I agree. First of all, God is not created, so any copy of Himself would, by definition, not be identical, because it would be a created thing. God is the source of all things. This other creature could not also be the source of all things, as it would not be the source of itself, much less God, nor would it be the source of everything else God had created.
Also, there are schools of thought which hold that omnipotent beings are not bound by logical contradictions and can do anything regardless if they seem somehow self-contradictory.
In either case, our speculation is irrelevant until Eric Hyom tells us how to distinguish correct answers to his questions from incorrect answers.