I have read on this web site many times this theological statement that “God created the world out of nothing.”
I’m not sure I can really agree with that statement. My gut reaction to this is that only something can come from something and only nothing can come from nothing. God obviously does not come from something since His very nature is to exist and who is the first cause but is NOT caused. The whole universe including human beings are contingent beings while God is not.
It seems to me it would be better to say that God created the universe “out of His potentiality” rather than to say “out of nothing.”
Try to imagine the idea of absolute nothingness including the idea of even God not existing (which we know is an impossibility for God). Something cannot result from absolute nothingness. Now bring God who is pure spirit back into the equation before the world was created. Only God existed and it was God who thought and willed to create the universe. But out of nothingness? Isn’t it more accurate to say God created the world out of His own potentiality?
Your thoughts on this?
I’m not sure I can really agree with that statement. My gut reaction to this is that only something can come from something and only nothing can come from nothing. God obviously does not come from something since His very nature is to exist and who is the first cause but is NOT caused. The whole universe including human beings are contingent beings while God is not.
It seems to me it would be better to say that God created the universe “out of His potentiality” rather than to say “out of nothing.”
Try to imagine the idea of absolute nothingness including the idea of even God not existing (which we know is an impossibility for God). Something cannot result from absolute nothingness. Now bring God who is pure spirit back into the equation before the world was created. Only God existed and it was God who thought and willed to create the universe. But out of nothingness? Isn’t it more accurate to say God created the world out of His own potentiality?
Your thoughts on this?