Your logic seems to be like a dog chasing its tail. You are right someone claiming something happened and wroteit down in a book does not mean it actually happened. But neither does it mean that it DID NOT happen.
Which leaves us with claims people make. I cannot prove it wrong , therefore in our human society we will base our decisions on which human most convices us this comes from God. Meaningless in terms of truth.
Prove to me a unicorn doesn’t exist, and until you can, you will follow the revealed rules of the unicorn or else you will burn in gremlin hell.!!!
This is why the scientific method was created in the first place. So that humans could not simply claim something as truth. If you put forth an idea(NOT a rejection of some-one elses idea), you have to prove it is correct. It is up to you, it is YOUR hypothesis or belief.
Anyone, can literally claim anything. The snake god, that opened her womb and gave birth to the waters of the planet, or a God that incarnaed on earth and rose to overcome death.
A book, cannot prove itself. I am eternally gratetful for science and it is in fact this amazing occurance that science even raised it’s head, that makes me questions wether or not this is all a mistake. How could humans desire truth so much, that they are willing to give up the belief in an eternal life…for the sake of truth. You wonder why we do it at all.
Your claims are your own. They aren’t mine. If you want to prove it to people, then it’s up to you to do so. Until you do, the rest won’t agree.
We aren’t rejecting you, we just don’t agree with you because you’ve given us no reason to. That …is somewhat painful for believers.