Did God really create the world out of nothing?

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God has with Himself a spirit of wisdom and knowledge. He dispatches her from His throne and into prophets like Moses, Isaiah, Jeremiah, etc. God has spoken to man in many ways, prophets wrote down what God commanded them to write, and we begin with the old testament.
And why would you believe that God did this? Why would you believe this set of stories as being true and not another?
A story about a god tells this. There is no evidence that the god characters in these stories are real anymore than the aliens in alien abduction stories are real.
Well, Jesus Christ came “so that the world may believe.”

He said “look at the evidence of the works that I do” and St. Luke writes “Jesus appeared to them with many proofs of His resurrection.”

Evidence, proofs, God has given these, its not about blind faith.
Well, Jesus Christ came “so that the world may believe.”

He said “look at the evidence of the works that I do” and St. Luke writes “Jesus appeared to them with many proofs of His resurrection.”

Evidence, proofs, God has given these, its not about blind faith.
Where is the evidence and where is the proof?

Some-one claiming something happened and wrote it down in a book does not mean it actually happened. A book, cannot prove itself.
Christians are. There is an infiite first cause that is necessary. You call it God.

I call it the universe.

It’s your argument not mine 🙂
No, it is not just my argument. It is a fact commonly accepted by those who espouse to orthodox Christianity (and proceeded in philosophy).
Well, Jesus Christ came “so that the world may believe.”

He said “look at the evidence of the works that I do” and St. Luke writes “Jesus appeared to them with many proofs of His resurrection.”

Evidence, proofs, God has given these, its not about blind faith.
I’ve never understood why the Jesus god, after coming, had to leave. The story doesn’t make sense. I therefore don’t take it any more seriously than an alien abduction story.
Where is the evidence and where is the proof?

Some-one claiming something happened and wrote it down in a book does not mean it actually happened. A book, cannot prove itself.
Your logic seems to be like a dog chasing its tail. You are right someone “claiming something happened and wrote it down in a book does not mean it actually happened.” But neither does it mean that it DID NOT happen. You are throwing out the baby with the bath water.
And why would you believe that God did this? Why would you believe this set of stories as being true and not another?
Is there another that compares? This story about a God begins thousands of years ago with a promise that one man received named Abraham; who this God spoke to. It remains constant for, again, thousands of years of prophets who have the same message for Israel (which is a real people) that God has chosen you people to work through to bring man back to God out of sin and darkness, and death. These prohets foretold of a Savior who would be born of a virgin, crushed for our sins, even some specific details of his life and death. The Savior came, fulfilled the prophecies, we are living 2008 years After His Death. He was raised from the dead and as proof of this His name healed and continues to heal those who believe in Him until today. He predicted Israel would become its own nation again, etc, etc. The figure of Christ is unlike anyone ever. He is the loftiest idea in literature. When I listen to His teaching and obey His words, I get the results He said I would. So if Christianity does exactly what it claims to do, how can I say it is false?
Is there another that compares? This story about a God begins thousands of years ago with a promise that one man received named Abraham; who this God spoke to. It remains constant for, again, thousands of years of prophets who have the same message for Israel (which is a real people) that God has chosen you people to work through to bring man back to God out of sin and darkness, and death. These prohets foretold of a Savior who would be born of a virgin, crushed for our sins, even some specific details of his life and death. The Savior came, fulfilled the prophecies, we are living 2008 years After His Death. He was raised from the dead and as proof of this His name healed and continues to heal those who believe in Him until today. He predicted Israel would become its own nation again, etc, etc. The figure of Christ is unlike anyone ever. He is the loftiest idea in literature. When I listen to His teaching and obey His words, I get the results He said I would. So if Christianity does exactly what it claims to do, how can I say it is false?
Why did Jesus have to leave?
He didn’t bro, He’s still here. “I will be with you always” 👍
Your logic seems to be like a dog chasing its tail. You are right someone claiming something happened and wroteit down in a book does not mean it actually happened. But neither does it mean that it DID NOT happen.
Which leaves us with claims people make. I cannot prove it wrong , therefore in our human society we will base our decisions on which human most convices us this comes from God. Meaningless in terms of truth.

Prove to me a unicorn doesn’t exist, and until you can, you will follow the revealed rules of the unicorn or else you will burn in gremlin hell.!!!

This is why the scientific method was created in the first place. So that humans could not simply claim something as truth. If you put forth an idea(NOT a rejection of some-one elses idea), you have to prove it is correct. It is up to you, it is YOUR hypothesis or belief.

Anyone, can literally claim anything. The snake god, that opened her womb and gave birth to the waters of the planet, or a God that incarnaed on earth and rose to overcome death.

A book, cannot prove itself. I am eternally gratetful for science and it is in fact this amazing occurance that science even raised it’s head, that makes me questions wether or not this is all a mistake. How could humans desire truth so much, that they are willing to give up the belief in an eternal life…for the sake of truth. You wonder why we do it at all.

Your claims are your own. They aren’t mine. If you want to prove it to people, then it’s up to you to do so. Until you do, the rest won’t agree.

We aren’t rejecting you, we just don’t agree with you because you’ve given us no reason to. That …is somewhat painful for believers.
I’ve never understood why the Jesus god, after coming, had to leave. The story doesn’t make sense. I therefore don’t take it any more seriously than an alien abduction story.
Your statement makes sense for a person who has not yet had a personal encounter with Christ and experienced His Holy Spirit. Is Jesus really gone? Think about what Jesus said to his disciples before his ascension:

14"If you love me, you will obey what I command. 16And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever— 17the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be[c] in you. 18I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. 19Before long, the world will not see me anymore, but you will see me. Because I live, you also will live. 20On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you. John 14:14-20
I have to go now, I would love to stay and answer these questions that EVERY Christian has wondered. There are multitudes of answers in the Bible. 👍

No no, Its not blind faith.

Jesus said “He who keeps my words and believes in me, I will come to him and manifest myself to him.”

Jesus would leave you high and dry, He didn’t leave doubting Thomas without proof. Trust God He will help you. peace!
He didn’t bro, He’s still here. “I will be with you always” 👍
If he never left and is still here how is he going to pull off a second coming? Why does he need a second coming? What was wrong with the first one? How’s he going to return if he’s still here? 👍
I have to go now, I would love to stay and answer these questions that EVERY Christian has wondered. There are multitudes of answers in the Bible. 👍

And a larger multitude of questions. But thanks for the chat!
If he never left and is still here how is he going to pull off a second coming? Why does he need a second coming? What was wrong with the first one? How’s he going to return if he’s still here? 👍
You are knocking at the door and might be able to answer your own question if you think about and understand what St. Paul meant when he speaks about how the Church is the Body of Christ. 1 Corinthians 12 is a good start.
You are knocking at the door might be able to answer your own question if you think about and understand what St. Paul meant when he speaks about how the Church is the Body of Christ.
1 Corinthians 12 is a good start.
It might be if I thought the larger human experience was contained in this one particular god story. In fact, this one particular god story is contained in a much larger human experience. That’s the difference.
Jesus told the disciples before his ascension that He was leaving them with:
the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, He will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all I have said to you. John 14:26
As the Holy Spirit, Jesus and God are all part of the Trinity, it is the case that God is still with us if we open our hearts to Him.

It is my understanding that Jesus is not physically with us and the second coming will be His physical return to earth.

We can expect a second coming because Jesus told us that he would return to:
repay every man for what he has done. Matt. 16:27. and to separate the sheep from the goats and render judgment. Matt. 25:31-46.
Jesus did not stay with us as it is part of God’s plan to give mankind the opportunity to seek reconciliation and return to Him.

I hope this helps.
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