I asked a similar question a while ago as to whether or not Jesus had the ability to sin. The consensus was variations of “No, He didn’t because He had to fulfill His mission.” It also would have raised a number of issues because if Jesus had the ability to sin than so did Mary and that brings in the Immaculate Conception and Original Sin.
But the more I thought about it I still feel as though I am correct. Jesus showed He had a will of His own when He asked God to take His task away from Him. But because He always placed His will as secondary to the Father’s. But He HAD TO HAVE the ability to say “No. I am not doing it.” and walking away. If He did not have the ability to do that then you are saying that He was programmed and in a sense forced to do the Father’s will. If that is the case then there was no sacrifice on His part and as a result no forgiveness of sin. For any sacrifice to be legitimate the people involved have to know what they are doing and making a free choice to do it. He had to decide to place His will as secondary to the Father’s. He could not be forced into it.
I see our mission in the physical realm as learning how to love selflessly Like Jesus’s sacrifice love cannot be forces and remain love. By its nature it MUST be freely given. It is for that reason that I believe the physical realm exists. Here were are given the complete freedom to select to do any and all evil, even though that leads away from God and from love, because it is only when we have the freedom to do evil that we also have the free choice to reject that evil and do the good that leads towards love and God. The same would hold true for Jesus. For His sacrifice to be a true, honest and personal sacrifice He had to have the ability to say “No”.
I know the ripple effects of my way of thinking and the other doctrines that would be affected by this, but if this is true then those doctrines are wrong and they shouldn’t be doctrines at all.
But the more I thought about it I still feel as though I am correct. Jesus showed He had a will of His own when He asked God to take His task away from Him. But because He always placed His will as secondary to the Father’s. But He HAD TO HAVE the ability to say “No. I am not doing it.” and walking away. If He did not have the ability to do that then you are saying that He was programmed and in a sense forced to do the Father’s will. If that is the case then there was no sacrifice on His part and as a result no forgiveness of sin. For any sacrifice to be legitimate the people involved have to know what they are doing and making a free choice to do it. He had to decide to place His will as secondary to the Father’s. He could not be forced into it.
I see our mission in the physical realm as learning how to love selflessly Like Jesus’s sacrifice love cannot be forces and remain love. By its nature it MUST be freely given. It is for that reason that I believe the physical realm exists. Here were are given the complete freedom to select to do any and all evil, even though that leads away from God and from love, because it is only when we have the freedom to do evil that we also have the free choice to reject that evil and do the good that leads towards love and God. The same would hold true for Jesus. For His sacrifice to be a true, honest and personal sacrifice He had to have the ability to say “No”.
I know the ripple effects of my way of thinking and the other doctrines that would be affected by this, but if this is true then those doctrines are wrong and they shouldn’t be doctrines at all.