Yes.I asked a similar question a while ago as to whether or not Jesus had the ability to sin. …
Recall the events of the Temptation in the Desert.
He could have sinned, but He did not sin.
Yes.I asked a similar question a while ago as to whether or not Jesus had the ability to sin. …
Agreed. He had the ability to do so but made the decision not to do so.Jesus is a perfect example of human being. We are called to be obedient to our God. We are able disobey God, like Adam. We are given free choice, free will, but a perfect man in the eyes of God would be one who obeys Him and thus without sin.
My point is that He had the choice.One with the Beatific Vision never chooses to sin.
Good question for a new topic.This brings up a question: being one Being with three personages, does God ever have 3 separate consciousnesses?
Can you see how that opens a can of worms with concepts like the Immaculate Conception and Original Sin?It seems you are asking about potency when you say “ability”. Yes, Christ had the ability to say no to the Father.
However, the disposition of his will is perfectly aligned to loving his Father so in that sense, he will not sin.
It’s a great mystery that can open up deep reflection.
Can you see how His ability to possibly commit a sin then reflects on the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception? If Jesus had the ability then obviously so did Mary. Did we inherit from our first human parents some stain of their sin or their ability to commit sin… aka a conscience. (They supposedly ate from the “Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil”)Recall the events of the Temptation in the Desert.
He could have sinned, but He did not sin.
Immaculate conception is the dogma the Mary was conceived without original sin. The fact that God willed to keep Mary pure from original sin does not deprive Mary of her free will.goout:
Can you see how that opens a can of worms with concepts like the Immaculate Conception and Original Sin?It seems you are asking about potency when you say “ability”. Yes, Christ had the ability to say no to the Father.
However, the disposition of his will is perfectly aligned to loving his Father so in that sense, he will not sin.
It’s a great mystery that can open up deep reflection.
Not sure you are connecting the right dots between eating of the tree and the conscience.FrDavid96:
Can you see how His ability to possibly commit a sin then reflects on the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception? If Jesus had the ability then obviously so did Mary. Did we inherit from our first human parents some stain of their sin or their ability to commit sin… aka a conscience. (They supposedly ate from the “Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil”)Recall the events of the Temptation in the Desert.
He could have sinned, but He did not sin.
No. It does not.Can you see how His ability to possibly commit a sin then reflects on the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception?
We inherited “some stain of sin” i.e. “Original Sin.”If Jesus had the ability then obviously so did Mary. Did we inherit from our first human parents some stain of their sin or their ability to commit sin… aka a conscience. (They supposedly ate from the “Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil”)
Jesus can’t sin because He’s God and God can’t sin. Does that make Him less or not really human when He incarnated? No. Jesus was just like us in all things but sin.I asked a similar question a while ago as to whether or not Jesus had the ability to sin. The consensus was variations of “No, He didn’t because He had to fulfill His mission.” It also would have raised a number of issues because if Jesus had the ability to sin than so did Mary and that brings in the Immaculate Conception and Original Sin.
But the more I thought about it I still feel as though I am correct. Jesus showed He had a will of His own when He asked God to take His task away from Him. But because He always placed His will as secondary to the Father’s. But He HAD TO HAVE the ability to say “No. I am not doing it.” and walking away. If He did not have the ability to do that then you are saying that He was programmed and in a sense forced to do the Father’s will. If that is the case then there was no sacrifice on His part and as a result no forgiveness of sin. For any sacrifice to be legitimate the people involved have to know what they are doing and making a free choice to do it. He had to decide to place His will as secondary to the Father’s. He could not be forced into it.
I see our mission in the physical realm as learning how to love selflessly Like Jesus’s sacrifice love cannot be forces and remain love. By its nature it MUST be freely given. It is for that reason that I believe the physical realm exists. Here were are given the complete freedom to select to do any and all evil, even though that leads away from God and from love, because it is only when we have the freedom to do evil that we also have the free choice to reject that evil and do the good that leads towards love and God. The same would hold true for Jesus. For His sacrifice to be a true, honest and personal sacrifice He had to have the ability to say “No”.
I know the ripple effects of my way of thinking and the other doctrines that would be affected by this, but if this is true then those doctrines are wrong and they shouldn’t be doctrines at all.
Yes, we did. Because of Adam and Eve’s sin, we do not inherit the original holiness and justification granted to men and, lacking that, we experience concupiscence.I said:
My point is that EVERYONE is born without sin
Your reply:
That is sort of mincing words and trying to play on both sides of the fence. My point is that we did not inherit any stain of “Adam’s” sin.you would be wrong, we are all born with the stain of original sin. We are all capable of moving towards God or away from God and into evil and corruption of our souls.
Jesus was not born this way. Jesus had no stain.
And it doesn’t work that way, we don’t inherit the original sin, we don’t have it in our DNA. we are finite, human imperfect creatures, we have original sin which is disobedience to God because Adam was disobedient to God.
Adam was created rational and with a conscience. There are different approaches to the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, but we do not consider Adam lacking in knowledge that disobeying God was wrong. Adam had knowledge that this was so. One approach is to understand it is that Adam lacked any personal experience with sin and evil and the disunion that puts between him and God, though rationally he understood it was wrong.Nor was his disobedience to God a sin at all. Before He ate from the “Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil” he would have had no concept that eating from it and disobeying God was a “sin”. Knowledge is necessary for something to be sinful, and according to the story he did not have that knowledge until AFTER he ate from it.
Not repenting was consequential, but again, it’s about what we didn’t inherit that is the basis of original sin. You’re making up your own theology and interpretation of scripture.According to the story his first true sin would have been not taking responsibility for his own actions and blaming Eve for giving him the fruit. What we inherited was not his or the stain of his sin but rather the knowledge of good and evil which gave us the ability to commit our own sins.
No one can live a sinless life apart from the graces of God. It’s not something a human nature can accomplish on its own.If Mary and Jesus had the ability to say no to God then you are in fact agreeing with me. Both had the ABILITY to commit sin and refuse God but neither did. That is saying that they had the free will decision to choose between good and evil. And because they had that ability it brings into question the concept of the Immaculate Conception.
We lack the inheritance of original holiness and justice and so we are also left with concupiscence.My main issue is that rather than inheriting some stain of sin from our first truly human parents we inherited their ability to commit sin. In other words we inherited a conscience.
And it all goes wrong in your model of what original sin is.FrDavid96:
Can you see how His ability to possibly commit a sin then reflects on the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception? If Jesus had the ability then obviously so did Mary. Did we inherit from our first human parents some stain of their sin or their ability to commit sin… aka a conscience. (They supposedly ate from the “Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil”)Recall the events of the Temptation in the Desert.
He could have sinned, but He did not sin.
I feel that article is in agreement with my first post but that it glosses over/skips the nuances I made.I found this article from CAF in 2014 and it kind of swayed my thinking.
Could Jesus Have Sinned? Absolutely Not! | Catholic Answers