happy mom,
Jesus had a perfect human nature and a perfect divine nature. two natures in the one Jesus.
The Perfect human nature is low christology, it deals with the human Jesus, the man who walked talked, had a ministry taught, the pre easter Jesus if you like.
This Jesus did not attribute any miracle to himself. This Jesus attributed every healing, exorcism, miracle to God. And said ‘why do you call me good, the only one who is good is God’
Jesus never sought or accepted any credit for himself.
The Perfect Divine nature is high Christology and can be read about very well in the Gospel of John. John was an Apostle. John concentrates on the post easter Jesus, the resurrected Jesus, the Christ, the Messiah.
IN the beginning was the Word…
John uses names and images of the Divine Jesus, ’ i am the light of the world…
It is a modern day heresy cytomonophysitism , to deny the human nature of Jesus or think that its ok, Jesus was God so no big deal about the Passion as being suffered by a fully human nature.
and certainly took several centuries and a few councils to define this dual Christology.