[/QUOTE]***Hi, Huiou Theou!
…perhaps I misunderstood your comparison… the point I inteded to make is that Jacob used the knowledge provided by Yahweh to mend the wrong to which he was being subjected by Laban. And that at this particular junction, it was God’s assistence that aided Jacob in fulfilling his contract with Laban (though Laban was clearly exploitative).
Yes, you seem far on a tangent. My point was quite narrow. The primary objections used by non-catholics against the purity of Mary as a requirement for the sacrifice of Jesus is typically three-fold:
First they see in the Law a condemnation of sin, and hence the offering Mary made is taken to be evidence of that sin. But they ignore what the law requires concerning the sacrifice with regard to its ever contracting a defect (sin).
Second, they try to be very logical that contagious “corruption” can only beget contagious corruption.
So they automatically think that if Mary had to be pure, so did Mary’s parents, and so did their parents – all the way back to Adam and Eve. (Not a totally unreasonable supposition, but it goes way too far.)
That’s why I brought up the sheep in connection with Laban – as the sheep are an example of how something impure could be made pure – which destroys the standard objection to Mary’s purity.
Since others are bringing up the ark and mixing analogies mid stride, consider:
Take the purity of the Golden Ark of the old testament — (same point) – it came from Gold obtained in Egypt:
God spoke to the people Before the vessel of the Ark was made – indeed he came upon Moses and made him glorious. Note: he even ate with Abraham before destroying Sodom – are not the three angels representing God holy? Was not the dirt under the burning bush holy?Exodu 11:1 And the LORD said unto Moses, Yet will I bring one plague more upon Pharaoh … [and] Egypt … he shall surely thrust you out hence altogether.
Exodu 11:2 Speak now in the ears of the people, and let every man borrow of his neighbour, and every woman of her neighbour, jewels of silver, and jewels of gold. … … …Luke 10:29
Try to understand it isn’t what a man eats which makes him unclean. ( Nor the serpent for that matter ).