I looked up the concept of sacrifice in the Hebrew encyclopedia on the internet and they had an interesting discussion of it. The artisle said that the concept of the sacrifice had other purposes and that the idea of purification from sin was only one reason, not the sole reason in sacrifice. Today the Jewish people do not offer animal sacrifices because they were only to be offered in jerusalem in the temple but sin forgiveness came through other means as well: prayer, good deeds, fasting.Mary did sin The word says all have all have sinned, Mary was a vessel to bring the saviour in the world. Because she was a virgin,the bible never said anything about her sinless. You catholics are going to believe anything that Pope says anyway oh and by the way Paul preached to Gentiles(the gospel) , not Peter. Be a berean and study to show yourself approve.
( of course Jesus fasted as well and we don’t say He sinned)
One of the primary reasons for offering sacrifice was to draw nearer to God.
Here is a quote from the enycolpedia:
"Contrary to popular belief, the purpose of qorbanot is not simply to obtain forgiveness from sin. Although many qorbanot have the effect of expiating sins, there are many other purposes for bringing qorbanot, and the expiatory effect is often incidental, and is subject to significant limitations.
The purposes of qorbanot are much the same as "]the purposes of prayer: we bring qorbanot to praise G-d, to become closer to Him, to express thanks to G-d, love or gratitude. ]We bring qorbanot to celebrate holidays and festivals. Others are used to cleanse a person of ritual impurity (which does not necessarily have anything to do with sin