Protestants who believe that man is totaly depraved after the fall of course how problems with God working THROUGH anything.
For them grace is what God does TO man.
They can not conceive of God doing anything REDEMPTIVE through man.
For that reason in Colossians 1:24 when Paul says he “makes up in his afflictions for what is Lacking in Christ’s sacrifice for His body the church”–that has no meaning to them.
To them only God can redeem or give grace TO men.
God is incapable according to them of WORKING grace through men!
Jesus used more than just Paul in his redemptive work–He also used Mary!
And as far as that goes He uses each of us when we spread the gospel.
So God doesn’t just ZAP people with grace! Does He do that sometimes? Of course!
Is that the only way He acts? No!
An Immaculate Conception of Jesus apart from Mary’s humanity would be a good way to ZAP things to perfection.
It wouldn’t be a good way to work grace THROUGH humanity!
And that’s not to say that God has to have humanity to achieve his will.
It is to say that God CHOOSES to work through humanity in giving grace and redeming mankind!
In Mary’s Immaculate Conception sanctifying grace was restored.
In Jesus’ incarnation more than just grace had to be restored.
Jesus had to BECOME more than just a human being with a soul and with a physical body absent original sin.
The Divine had to become one with the TOTALITY of the human person.
And how would the total human person be different from Adam and Eve even if it didn’t have the problem of original sin?
Not only would that person not be inclined to sin–that person would have to rely on created things and not God alone.
Adam and Eve didn’t have to rely on anything but God before the fall.
After the fall they would have to work for a living.
If God were to create Jesus anew in the incarnation with a humanity like pre-fall Adam and Eve he would have had to create Jesus witrh a humanity that didn’t rely on anything but God.
That type of humanity would not be our humanity.
If God were to create Jesus with a humanity like ours after the Fall He would by definition not be creating that which is good but that which is flawed. If He did that Jesus would be an imperfect sacrifice.
If however Jesus came FROM Mary and not by God directly it would not be a case of God creating Jesus directly with a less than perfect humanity–it would be God choosing to take on everything about humanity after the fall OTHER than Inclination to sin and suffering it as a choice.
That is vey different from God creating such an imperfect humanity for Jesus absent inclination towards sin.
God does not create that imperfect humanity for Jesus!
God does not join with imperfection when it includes sin.
God does not even create imperfection that is absent of sin.
God can choose to take on imperfection that is absent from sin.
And that is the very thing that Jesus did in taking his humanity FRMO Mary and not God directly.
And that’s why Mary had to be free from original sin or inclination towards sin!
So to have your cake and eat it too–to have humanity without inclination towards sin–to take on humanity absent from sin but still not perfect–and to do that without sin
The only way was the Immaculate cCnception of Mary and the Virgin birth of Jesus!
There is no other way to achieve that any other way because Jesus taking on what is imperfect about humanity but still absent of sin–cannot be accomplished DIRECTLY from God because God cannot create that wqhich is Imperfect without sin!
God can choose to take on Imperfection that is whithout sin!
And that’s what Jesus did–the Immaculate Conception of Mary took care of the abscence of sin part–the unitng with Mary’s humanity FROM Mary took care of the uniting with imperfection yet keeping God from creating imperfection part!
For them grace is what God does TO man.
They can not conceive of God doing anything REDEMPTIVE through man.
For that reason in Colossians 1:24 when Paul says he “makes up in his afflictions for what is Lacking in Christ’s sacrifice for His body the church”–that has no meaning to them.
To them only God can redeem or give grace TO men.
God is incapable according to them of WORKING grace through men!
Jesus used more than just Paul in his redemptive work–He also used Mary!
And as far as that goes He uses each of us when we spread the gospel.
So God doesn’t just ZAP people with grace! Does He do that sometimes? Of course!
Is that the only way He acts? No!
An Immaculate Conception of Jesus apart from Mary’s humanity would be a good way to ZAP things to perfection.
It wouldn’t be a good way to work grace THROUGH humanity!
And that’s not to say that God has to have humanity to achieve his will.
It is to say that God CHOOSES to work through humanity in giving grace and redeming mankind!
In Mary’s Immaculate Conception sanctifying grace was restored.
In Jesus’ incarnation more than just grace had to be restored.
Jesus had to BECOME more than just a human being with a soul and with a physical body absent original sin.
The Divine had to become one with the TOTALITY of the human person.
And how would the total human person be different from Adam and Eve even if it didn’t have the problem of original sin?
Not only would that person not be inclined to sin–that person would have to rely on created things and not God alone.
Adam and Eve didn’t have to rely on anything but God before the fall.
After the fall they would have to work for a living.
If God were to create Jesus anew in the incarnation with a humanity like pre-fall Adam and Eve he would have had to create Jesus witrh a humanity that didn’t rely on anything but God.
That type of humanity would not be our humanity.
If God were to create Jesus with a humanity like ours after the Fall He would by definition not be creating that which is good but that which is flawed. If He did that Jesus would be an imperfect sacrifice.
If however Jesus came FROM Mary and not by God directly it would not be a case of God creating Jesus directly with a less than perfect humanity–it would be God choosing to take on everything about humanity after the fall OTHER than Inclination to sin and suffering it as a choice.
That is vey different from God creating such an imperfect humanity for Jesus absent inclination towards sin.
God does not create that imperfect humanity for Jesus!
God does not join with imperfection when it includes sin.
God does not even create imperfection that is absent of sin.
God can choose to take on imperfection that is absent from sin.
And that is the very thing that Jesus did in taking his humanity FRMO Mary and not God directly.
And that’s why Mary had to be free from original sin or inclination towards sin!
So to have your cake and eat it too–to have humanity without inclination towards sin–to take on humanity absent from sin but still not perfect–and to do that without sin
The only way was the Immaculate cCnception of Mary and the Virgin birth of Jesus!
There is no other way to achieve that any other way because Jesus taking on what is imperfect about humanity but still absent of sin–cannot be accomplished DIRECTLY from God because God cannot create that wqhich is Imperfect without sin!
God can choose to take on Imperfection that is whithout sin!
And that’s what Jesus did–the Immaculate Conception of Mary took care of the abscence of sin part–the unitng with Mary’s humanity FROM Mary took care of the uniting with imperfection yet keeping God from creating imperfection part!