J.R., the minister began by saying “we know this individual is in heaven, because he was saved.” I cringed at the deceased not being referred to by name and the assumption that he was in heaven, as if the minister knew the condition of this person’s soul at death. Baptists I have known could tell you for sure who was in heaven and who went to hell. It was a typical Southern Baptist sermon. He said “it’s too late for this individual, his fate was sealed when he died. Thank God, he made the right choice and accepted Jesus as his personal Lord and Savior, but how about YOU? It’s not too late for YOU.” Then began his “altar call” speech, which seemed so out of place at a funeral. “My friends, if any of you are counting on a church to save you, or the Pope to save you, hear my words. No church can save you. No Pope can save you. You can’t work your way into heaven. Only belief in Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior can save you from eternal damnation. Get right with the Lord. Give your heart to the Lord . . . you could be killed when you walk out that door. Are you SURE you are saved? You can be saved right now . . .”
He thinks Catholics believe that they are saved by the Church, or the Pope, or their “works,” and not by the Sacrifice of Christ. Which is not true. He should know better. The teachings of the Church are readily available so that everyone and anyone can know them, but he’d rather repeat his assumptions publicly and spread faleshoods than to bother learning the truth. Ministers who bear false witness against the Church make me furious. Grrrrrrrrrrr.
He didn’t go so far as asking ppl to come forward and “get saved” as he would have at a church service, but said “if you want to be sure of your salvation, see me after the funeral …”. And “if you’re looking for a church home where biblical truth is preached, look no further.”
I don’t remember the minister’s exact words, of course, but this is close. He had little to say about the deceased, even though this was his funeral.
All of this is Baptist-speak for ***Catholics, you’re going to hell if you don’t “get saved.” ***
I grew up Baptist. I was immersed twice. I answered “altar calls” and “got saved” many times. I believed in “once saved, always saved” but I could never be sure I was really saved. What if I wasn’t sincere enough when I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior? I figured I’d better try that one more time, just to be sure. Wait – was I sincere enough the second time? The third? I found that I could never be sure, no matter how many times I “got saved.” I swung between the emotional high of being smug and certain that I was saved and the fear that I had deceived myself, and I couldn’t know for sure. Then I decided, the h^%$ with it. The illogical doctrine of Sola Scriptura made me an agnostic, and then I drifted into atheism. Now, thanks be to God, I’m home at last.