I can see what you mean but these predators have been exposed have they not? These particular ones have been stopped from running riot through the church. No acts are kept secret from the Lord and He has acted here I think.
It’s possible that there are others but that’s purely an assumption and since these matters have been brought out into the open surely the laity will now be super sensitive to any such behaviour. It should be a case of forewarned is forearmed along with strict safeguarding. The news of these scandals must have reached everywhere the Catholic Church exists and so there can be few people if any who aren’t aware of it.
It’s tempting to be wrathful against the perpetrators, it’s tempting to hate those involved and become vengeful but that is adding to the evil and not conducive to healing. Surely we play into the enemies hands when we think so? We can trust in the Lord that justice will be done and in the way and in the time that He decides.
It’s possible that there are others but that’s purely an assumption and since these matters have been brought out into the open surely the laity will now be super sensitive to any such behaviour. It should be a case of forewarned is forearmed along with strict safeguarding. The news of these scandals must have reached everywhere the Catholic Church exists and so there can be few people if any who aren’t aware of it.
It’s tempting to be wrathful against the perpetrators, it’s tempting to hate those involved and become vengeful but that is adding to the evil and not conducive to healing. Surely we play into the enemies hands when we think so? We can trust in the Lord that justice will be done and in the way and in the time that He decides.