Hell sweet hell!My friend, I stick to the Catholic faith and to the traditions of the Church, just as St. Paul exhorts us to do. I have already told you what love/charity is and isn’t, but you refuse to accept basic Catholic teaching. It is basic Catholic teaching that God is Love/Charity. And what is meant by love/charity is CHARITY (love rooted in God), not the love we have for ice-cream and music. I want to help you, but I can’t because you are not willing to accept Catholic teaching for what it is–true and reliable. You have your own ideas about God and other things, and you hold fast to them. What you need is grace to enlighten you and help you, so I definitely will pray for you. But you still will need to cooperate with grace. As I am my brother’s keeper, I care about you and your soul. So pease listen to me when I say that you must learn your Catholic faith. Please buy the Baltimore Catechism #3 and read it, and keep away from Eastern ideas and heretical ideas–they will send you to Hell, which neither of us wants. BTW, I think it would help you very much if you got rid of that little devil and substituted in a picture of Mary, our Mother and Queen. God bless you!