What if I don’t want to receive first - ya’ know, like those who don’t want to receive in the hand?
I do not want to find out how the virus is transmitted!
The point is to not transmit the virus , is it not?
Are we so inflexible that we must receive one way and one way only?
“Lord, I’m sorry that I refused communion. You see, they wanted to place the Host in my hand! No way!”
“My child, it is your hands that do my work…”
“Well, we’ll just have to agree to disagree on that”
Well, yes, actually, some Catholics do feel pretty strongly about not having the Blessed Sacrament placed directly into their own hands. They are concerned about avoiding profaning the Eucharist, and I don’t think it is particularly charitable to treat that concern as if it were self-serving. That is really unfair.
Their reason for not wanting to have the host placed directly onto their hand is that they have a concern about inadvertantly profaning the Most Holy Eucharist. That seems like a pretty good reason, as it is the reason the Church selected that as the only way to recieve for so many years. What reason do you have for not wanting to receive earlier rather than later? If you refuse to be flexible, surely you have a reason, right?
Honestly, when the discussion comes around to requiring people to receive directly onto the tongue, is it charitable to accuse people who prefer to receive in the hand of being selfish and inflexible? Really?
By the way, why do you think you can presume Our Lord would be displeased with someone who elected not to receive Holy Communion because they would rather not receive than to receive and risk profaning the Eucharist accidentally? What part of that is disrespectful to Our Lord?
Your point that not transmitting the virus is the point of the request begs the question of whether the measure makes any difference.
The problem is that there isn’t any evidence that it does. Let’s face it: Nobody even knows how this virus spreads, do they? No, they don’t. No one has ever identified a single case when someone is known to have picked up any disease at all becase a church allowed reception of Holy Communion on the tongue, have they? No, they haven’t.
I’m not saying the Eucharist is magic. I’m saying that there are epidemiological realities concerning what does and does not measurably change the risk of disease transmission. Why would the faithful be denied anything, let alone denied what is normally a right, when there isn’t any way to demonstrate that a benefit will result?