If there is an epidemic bad enough, I would also favor cancelling all Masses. I’m not a huge fan of corralling hundreds of people together in an enclosed space during such things as flu epidemics.
Also, there is nothing that miraculously prevents the Eucharistic species from transmitting disease. The species retain all accidents of bread and wine, including the possibility of disease transmission. Again, if things are that bad, either limit communion to the priest only, or cancel Mass altogether.
Thanks. I know that people in Asia tend to be hyper-vigilant about the spread of disease, and with good reason in crowded urban spaces. As you point out, if the health risk is bad enough to have to be that careful with receiving communion, then I think there is an excellent case for the bishop dispensing the faithful from the Mass obligation, and cancelling public Masses altogether for the duration of the epidemic.
I know we as Catholics take Sunday Mass very seriously, but it shouldn’t take place at the expense of having a parish church to become a hotbed of disease infection and transmittal.