Steve, graduate of BYU, knows Mormonism better than you do, TOm. His own grandfather ‘talked to Jesus Christ.’ He lived it, studied it, was married in the temple, and was raising his kids Mormon. And he came to the conclusion that it was a fraud. He said his own grandfather was part of this massive fraud, and Joseph Smith was the perpetrator of that fraud. That conclusion can’t be dismissed without careful investigation and evaluation. Steve certainly benefitted from his grandfather being the #1 guy in Mormonism. What was his motivation for leaving, if not that he sincerely believed it to be a fraud?
I have no reason to doubt that Steve Benson sincerely believed Mormonism to be a fraud. I have read a great deal written by him.
I do however reject your statement that he knows more about Mormonism than I do. You may try to prove this if you wish.
I also know that Steve Benson does not know more about me than I do. He rejected a number of things that I also reject, but he chose to reject all. I do not.
Steve Benson surely is an atheist. I assure you Steve Benson sees contradictions in Catholicism that demand that the Catholic Church is hopelessly flawed and cannot possible have God at its head.
Steve Benson is/was consistent in the type of thinking he applied to his post Mormonism investigation. He saw inconsistency and problems with the CoJCoLDS. He left. He analyzed the religious landscape he found himself in and saw the same type of problems and he left. I would encourage anyone who spreads anti-Mormon material to think about this. To think as an anti-Mormon would have a LDS think is to reject all religion.
To paraphrase what I saw an anti-Mormon atheist say fairly recently, “Now that you have rejected Mormonism why not continue the thinking and reject all religion.”
There is great consistency in these words.
Have you seen a Catholic so bothered by anti-Catholic material that they became a protestant? Once a protestant they did not worry about the inconstancies associated with lack of authority, following initial but not latter councils, new doctrine invented by the reformist never believed before, … Fortunately, this is the common path of the ex-Catholic. They leave Catholicism and in the free flowing winds of doctrine that is Protestantism they seldom find enough stable ground to test the foundations. Fortunately, some ex-Mormons also find themselves here (or in Catholicism which is a slightly different story), but many LDS who learned to think like anti-Mormons walk the Steve Benson path. If you cannot tolerate blatant contradictions in need of great explanation, if you cannot accept at least some things on faith, if …; you will either be an ignorant (not to be construed as negative) believer in that you do not know the landscape you play in (never tested the foundation), or you will be an atheist.
You may protest and say that Catholicism is not this religion with “blatant contradictions in need of great explanation,” but I think you would be quite mistaken.
You may protest that the problems with Catholicism are much smaller than the problems with the CoJCoLDS. I am not sure I would agree with this, but in any case it would still be a matter of degree.
If you expect me to not consider you foolish for embracing a papal infallibility that has been so carefully defined that it allows for heretical Popes and infallible papal statements, how can you choose to consider me foolish for embracing the words of the first latter day prophet who clearly said, “A prophet is only a prophet when acting as such.”
Charity, TOm