Doesn’t that state outright that he’s talking to people who don’t have control of their impulses? For people who are in danger of burning, it would be better to fulfill their desire through the marital act?
Are you a man?
I hope you realize that just because a husband desires sex with his wife, he doesn’t always get to have it. E.g., if a wife is having her period, for many women (including me), that’s a deal breaker–ick! And many women suffer from some measure of PMS–they are Jekyll much of the month, but Hyde for about 5 days before their period, and they definitely do NOT wish to have sex and are willing and capable of making their husbands quite miserable if their husband can’t get the message that during this time, his wife is QUEEN and he must obey!
I’m being a little facetious here, but not far off from the truth. Sex is not just something that a man can have at will. If there are children, it is often impossible to simple make love when you wish. If the wife works outside the home, she is often very very tired, and lovemaking is often the last thing on her mind, especially if she has to start her Second Job (cleaning, cooking, dishes, laundry, yardwork, shopping, childcare, etc.) when she gets home from work.
I do believe that a wise woman will learn how to say “yes” to her husband even if she herself is not inclined towards lovemaking, but it’s not always the easiest “yes,” and it often takes some time for a woman to learn this skill.
A man who has not broken his pre-marriage addiction to pornography will be very likely to turn to his old companions on screen/print when he is unable to enjoy sex with his wife. So a wise man will deal with his porn addiction and conquer it BEFORE he is married, and will be prepared to sacrifice for his wife, even if SHE is in the wrong.
Jesus was the model “Bridegroom,” and He gave His very Life for His Bride, the Church. This is a hard calling for any husband, but it is part of God’s plan for marriage between a man and woman.