Thank you to any of you that have offered prayers for me since I began this thread. I feel like they really helped. Thankfully, it has been 23 days since my last act of sexual sin. I’m returning to this forum however, because over the past few days, temptation is beginning to come on very strong again. I desperately want to keep breaking away from this sin, but I’m worried I could fall again very soon. Up until the past few days, I had felt some minor temptations here and there, but nothing major. But now, they’re becoming very intense again, to the point where I can’t even look at an attractive woman, even if she is dressed in a completely modest manner, without feeling a surge of testosterone run through me. Its getting to the point where it’s starting to consume me, no matter how much I try to think about something else, or do something else. And before anyone asks, between pre-mass prayes this morning, follwed by watching and participating in a televised version of the chaplet of the divine mercy directly before mass, followed by watching and participating in a televised mass itself, I spent about 2 consecutive hours today with the lord. And even with all that, I still feel so tempted, and very weak. I’m at the point right now where I’ve been so many times over the years, where its been 2-3 weeks clean, but soon after I wind up falling, and then with the fall comes the binge, which then brings me back to square one. And I really, really don’t want to go through that again. So, I’m here to ask anybody out there that might be reading this, if you wouldn’t mind, to please offer some more prayers on my behalf. I can really use them. Thanks.