I’ve received the “find yourself a girlfriend” advice before. The thing is, I’ve been trying to find a girlfriend for about 15 + years. I just can’t do it. I just can’t seem to find someone that I’m attracted to, who also has a personality that meshes well with me, along with other qualities, such as being a practicing catholic. And in the rare occasions I have, either the girl is taken, or I somehow screw it up by not having the guts to ask her out. There was a girl I met a few years ago that was really sweet, I found beautiful, and I think she liked me. But I really blew it. I feel like I get an opportunity like that once every 5 years, and if I blow it, I have to wait quite a while for another opportunity to present itself. And, I really don’t have many friends, so I rarely get the opportunity to be out and meet someone by chance. So I just wind up getting depressed, or feeling lonely, or something happens that triggers an anxiety attack, all of which send me right back into a binge, which I’m currently in the middle of, again, as I write I write this. I really am pathetic and weak. God continues to extend an olive branch after each fall, and I keep snapping it. My fear is that god may have some things planned for me to come in life, but I need to be able to change to be able to receive them, and I’ll never become capable of making those changes. So, due to my own fault, I’m just going to stay positioned in the current waste of a life state that I find myself in, and never step in to what could have been. Only a direct intervention into my life from god himself can save me, but I fear I’ve been so bad, that I’ve ruined any chance of such an intervention. Anyone that wishes to offer prayers on my behalf, I certainly won’t object to it. Thanks.