RC, unless you are a canon lawyer or clergy, you shouldn’t be dispensing canon legal advice. That is what you have been doing here, repeatedly.
If you aren’t able to offer words of comfort and encouragement to someone who is going through a terrible time in life, as is the OP, sometimes it is best to not offer anything.
I realize you are in the middle of some extreme challenges in your own relationship. I truly am sorry for that and I hope things get better for you. However it comes across as you grinding an ax whenever you bring up this issue of requiring a Bishop’s approval prior to moving forward with a civil divorce. It really is fine if you want to spend your time grinding that ax in your own personal life, but it isn’t helpful for you to do it in this kind of a forum. Further, I am not the first person to express this to you here.
Our sister is suffering and needs compassionate guidance. She has received many responses with helpful information. Reciting “the rules” to her as if you are an expert isn’t helpful, I am sure, and certainly not compassionate.
That is really all I have to say on this matter, and all I will say on it.