But you quoted MY post, which WAS about culpability for wrong behavior.
Just based on your two posts I used in this one, your role is one of “not in my house but I can deal with it in other places”. Based on the information mentioned here, this is your role. No blame, no cause, just a role.
Just hope you read it this time.Now I know I don’t know your particular situation, nor do I want to know. I don’t want to know who the addicts in your family are nor do I want to know the particular dynamics. All I want is for you to understand how this works.
I wish this were true. Unfortuately, children are among the primary and most wounded victims of their parents addiction. The develop coping skills that may be ultimately very damaging to thenselves. Some of these coping skills perpetuate the addictive cycle.No children are ever “playing a part” in their parent’s addiction. Ever. Period.
Very young children can enable addiction. They don’t even realize what they are doing.Some adult children may enable their parents
I agree it is wrong that the whole family should be damaged by this illness. I agree it is incredibly hurtful to all who are touched by it. But the fact of the matter is that addiction is a family illness because it makes everyone sick who is subjected to the ravages of it.making blanket statements that it is the whole family’s disorder because a person won’t keep sober is both wrong and incredibly hurtful.
Most addicts had help getting there. But this is not about blame, and where the fault is to be found.There are great many addicts who have managed to get themselves into addiction all on their own.
No, it is not, and finding fault is ultimately unproductive.it is not their fault that they made their choices
There are many things that family members can do so that they don’t need to feel powerless and victimized. Some of those steps can even facilitate getting treatment for the loved one.nor are they capable of forcing them to stop making those choices
Christian Charity is always rooted in the Truth, and the Truth is that addiction is a family illness, and everyone has a role in it.It’s making cruel blanket statements such as “it’s a family disorder” and “everyone played a role in it” that is against Christian charity.
I think you have misunderstood the point. It is not about blame, it is about what needs to happen so people can heal. If people do not realize they are wounded by the addiction, they are less likely to be able to heal.this misplaced culpability for someone else’s actions
I agree with what you are saying, even though you are misrepresenting my position.Trying to say that you aren’t blaming someone while at the same time claiming that they caused it and have a responsibility to change it is a distinction without a difference.
Well, we will know not to turn to you as a proponent, in that case!I’ve heard many things through the years that are attributed to al-anon…that are complete and utter bunk.
Marriage is a sacrament. The Church is responsible for the dispensation of sacraments. It is great that the OP is asking the question of what is the “Catholic” response. This demonstrates a heart that desires to be obedient to what God has ordained for marriage, even in the toughest of times.It’s a misplaced authority! A couple should not have to get “permission” to separate or divorce.
The whole point of pastoral oversight is to prevent abuses from occurring. I think if seeking permission gives the aggrieved spouse some participation, it is a good thing.Remember, this is coming from someone who was divorced against his will. I don’t feel that my ex-wife should have had to seek permission to separate or divorce me.
This is true, but a person who has unresolved issues is more likely to take such things very personally, whether they are directed to them, or no.I don’t think anyone on this thread addressed you personally, blaming you for anything.
Yes, it is much better, and this is the whole focus of Al-Anon.maybe it would be a better use of your time to actually give people permission to authentically reclaim their owns lives rather than adopt a false responsibility for someone else’s.
This is an important part of success, but not all family members are educated on these matters.There are things that a family member can do to avoid sabotaging someone’s recovery,
Not only over other people, but over the addiction as well. But the term “take back their power” means stop giving your power to people and addiitions over which you have no control, and letting them control you.Family members … can’t “take back their power” because they never really had any power over the other person in the first place.
Yes, and this is an essential element that family members ravaged by addiction must be able to understand and learn skills to prevent inadvtertantly contributing.The only “power” a family member has is to not contribute to the problem (And there really truly are situations where a person is addicted to something without their family being contributing factors.
I agree, but this is not what is being presented. The roles that family members take can unwittingly be a perpetuating factor. That is why learning what roles these are and changing them can foster earlier recovery for the addict.The idea that if a person’s family didn’t have “roles” they wouldn’t be addicted is complete bunk.
This is one of the core values of Al-Anon and very essential. One cannot continue in unconditional love is one is angry, hurt, and exhausted, which is what addiction does to people.and give themselves permission to live as happily and healthily as their addicted loved one would want them to live if they weren’t sick.
I think there are some fundamental differences between responsibility and “blame”. Blame is a work of the devil and is not life giving. However, taking responsibility for oneself is the path to freedom. One cannot adequately take responsibility for oneself when it is unclear how one has contributed to the outcome, whether wittingly, or unwittingly.“roles”, which is only a disingenuous form of assigning blame and responsibility to people who don’t necessarily have any.
For the sake of all those who might be reading this thread who are not hostile toward Al-Anon, this is NOT what happens in the meetings.without attending a meeting of people telling me what my “role” is.
I agree. People can be hurt by addiction who are not caught up in a destructive daily pattern. However, survival in a family where there are years of addiction contributes to the development of certain coping skills. These patterns of survival that help family members survive the addiction can become counterproductive later in life or when the person moves out of the family of origin to begin a family of their own. FAmilies are systems, and in every system the parts contribute to make the system function.Being hurt by and playing a role in are two separate things.
Individuals attempting to survive in a dysfunctional system often develop survival skills that can be ulitmately counterprductive…If they are being used by an addict or an abuser, they are not “enabling” anything.
Absolutely. There are some differences with addiction and other mental health disabilities because of societal stigma (they are more hidden and not discussed or help sought) and are insidious in that many of the effects are invisibile.I can agree with the statement that addiction is a “family illness” with the explanation that the entire family is effected by it, but really, isn’t that the same as any severe illness, if you think about it? Cancer. Diabetes. Depression. Cerebral Palsy. Inevitably, if a member of the family suffers from a serious disease or disorder, it can cause stress or even trauma in the family.
Or lack of it, which is the whole focus of Al-Anon. Family members can get healthy again whether the addict changes, or not. The focus is moved from trying to change the addict to changing oneself.A family member’s healing can’t be dependent on an addict’s recovery process.
People around the addict respond to the behaviors. There is a wide variety of responses, many of which you have described on this thread. Perhaps you object to the term “role” to describe the set of responses a person take in response to the addict.I disagree that if a person is addicted, that means that the family members automatically “play a role” in that addiction.
From reading your posts I think perhaps we are in agreement. I am not saying that the family member has a role in creating the addiction, or can be blamed for making the person drink, for example. What I am saying is that once the addictive cycle is in place, the family members fall into a pattern around the illness to cope with it. Many of these patterns are maladaptive.I object to the term “role” in the context of saying that a family member has a “role in the addict’s addiction”.