– From The Mystical Revelations of Maria Valtorta –
See, My soul: There are few things that I condemn as severely as this rationalism which rapes and desecrates and kills Faith – I say Faith with a capital, in order to say true Faith, absolute, regal Faith. I condemn it as My assassin. It is this very rationalism which kills Me in hearts and which prepares and has prepared very sad times for the Church and the world.
I have cursed other things. But none will I curse as this. It has been the seed from which have come other poisonous doctrines, and others, and still others. It has been the treachery which opens the door to the enemy. It has in fact opened the doors to Satan who has never reigned as much as now, since rationalism reigns.
But it is said: ‘When the Son of man will come, He will not find faith in hearts’. Therefore rationalism does its work. I will do Mine.
Blessed are those who, as they close the door to sin and the other passions, know how to close the doors of their secret temple in the face of the science which denies, and to live, alone with the Alone Who is All, to the very last.
Truly I say to you that I will clasp to My Heart the unfortunate man who has committed a human crime and repented of it, provided he has always admitted that I can do all. But I will turn the face of a Judge to those who, on the basis of a doctrinaire human science, deny the supernatural in the manifestations which the Father might want Me to give.
A man born deaf cannot hear. True? One who has his eardrums broken by a mishap has no sense of hearing. True? Only I can give them again their hearing with the touch of My Hands. But how can I give hearing to a deaf spirit if this spirit does not let itself be touched by Me?..
One of the greatest sorrows I have is that of seeing how rationalism has infiltrated into hearts, even into hearts that are said to be Mine. It would be useless to let the other priests share in such a gift [of His revelations to Valtorta --Trans.]. It is just among them that one finds those who, while preaching Me and My passed miracles, deny My Power, as if I could no longer be the Christ capable still of speaking to souls who languish from lack of My Word; as if they admit My present incapacity for a miracle and the power of grace in a heart.