Do Catholics and Baptists get along?

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My Church is closed right now so I decided to go to a Baptist worship service today and I was wondering if Catholics and Baptists get along? I didn’t hear anything that offended me and they believe in the Trinity.
Many Catholics and Baptists get along just fine on a personal level. We believe very different things, so going to a Baptist service is not a substitute for the Mass in any way, shape or form. Do not fall into the trap of thinking one church is as good as another. But that doesn’t mean we don’t “get along.”
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Just be aware that a lot of the responses that you get will be from Americans. It seems that a lot of American Catholics have had bad experiences with American Baptists. Canadian Baptists may well be very different. From what I have seen, Canadian Baptists seem to be more similar to British Baptists. There are also strict and particular Baptists, which are also very different from mainstream Baptists.
It seems that a lot of American Catholics have had bad experiences with American Baptists.
There are several types of Baptists.

I think the most anti-Catholic type of Baptists are the Independent Fundamentalist Baptists.

The IFB also tend to be anti-mainstream Protestant.
Just be aware that a lot of the responses that you get will be from Americans. It seems that a lot of American Catholics have had bad experiences with American Baptists. Canadian Baptists may well be very different. From what I have seen, Canadian Baptists seem to be more similar to British Baptists. There are also strict and particular Baptists, which are also very different from mainstream Baptists.
Yeah I’m in Canada if that makes a difference. I noticed that the service didn’t seem to have any structure like Mass does and a large portion was the pastor trying to explain a scripture reading. The second half of Mass where the priest consecrates the host and wine and in covid-19 times at least takes communion himself was missing.
Baptists do not have “priests” they have pastors, there is no consecration as they do not have valid orders. The bread many times is a cracker and the “wine” is grape juice. They do not believe in the real presence of Jesus it is only a “symbol”.
As others have stated before do not be confused you did not attend “mass”.
Even they call it “Celebration” or " service" never Mass lest they be confused with those “catholics”.

I didn’t think it was a substitute for Mass. That’s why I called it a worship service. I usually also watch the Daily TV Mass on youtube broadcast from Toronto. I felt bad for this church because they we’re one of the victims of 6 break ins of churchs in my area.
Yeah, I mean, there’s certainly nothing wrong with being neighborly and kind to the local Baptist congregation. I don’t think I’d personally go so far as to attend a service, but there’s nothing that says you shouldn’t get along and be on friendly terms.
Baptists do not have “priests” they have pastors, there is no consecration as they do not have valid orders. The bread many times is a cracker and the “wine” is grape juice. They do not believe in the real presence of Jesus it is only a “symbol”.
As others have stated before do not be confused you did not attend “mass”.
Even they call it “Celebration” or " service" never Mass lest they be confused with those “catholics”.
Well I hope my local Catholic church starts having mass again soon. Then I won’t feel the need to stray into a different church where I might get confused about these things.

I will pray for you and for your church that you may be permitted the liberty which belongs to all human beings to worship and offer sacrifice to GOD. Which is what the Mass is.

Ditto. I have Baptist friends, but I think their theology is wrong.
In what way is their theology wrong? I don’t know baptist theology. Can someone explain so I and others know why it’s wrong? I assume the first thing is they don’t accept the authority of the Pope. Someone also wrote they don’t believe Jesus is present in the bread and wine.
My Church is closed right now so I decided to go to a Baptist worship service today and I was wondering if Catholics and Baptists get along? I didn’t hear anything that offended me and they believe in the Trinity.
Some do and some don’t. My grandma was a Baptist and I’ve known other Baptists whom I liked. Some Baptists are extremely anti-Catholic though. My grandma was open-minded and didn’t mind when my father (her son) became a Catholic and married my mother, but my great-aunt (Grandma’s sister) was really aghast because she didn’t like Catholics. She fussed at my grandma for “letting her son marry a Catholic” and Grandma said she figured he was old enough to know who he wanted to marry. My father was 37 years old at the time, had been supporting his mother for about 15 years, and fought in two wars during that time as well.

It is generally a bad idea to go off to some non-Catholic church just because your own church is closed. If the Catholic Church is closed, it’s generally for a good reason, I’m guessing at this time it’s for public health. Catholics usually only go to other denominations’ churches if they are invited by a family member or friend or there is some funeral or ecumenical service or reason to be there, not just because they felt like dropping in on a service.
Also, the fact that you don’t happen to hear anything offensive at a particular service does not mean that their church doesn’t have serious disagreements with the Catholic faith. I would suggest you avoid outside influences until you are more strong and knowledgeable about the Catholic faith.
Difference between catholic and baptist? Non-Catholic Religions
Hi I was wondering , what is the difference between a baptist and a catholic and I was wondering how one or the other can effect your everyday life or if one effects more one than the other if you see what I’m saying ? Any examples ?
I think the most anti-Catholic type of Baptists are the Independent Fundamentalist Baptists.
I don’t think they are called that in the UK, but something like it seems to exist. There is a famous church at Elephant and Castle called the Metropolitan Tabernacle, which describes itself as “independent reformed Baptist”. They seem pretty fundamentalist. I know that at their seminary they teach Roman Catholicism under “false doctrine” and “the Roman heresy” as part of church history. Like the IFBs you refer to, the Metropolitan Tabernacle was (and remains) openly hostile to Billy Graham, for example. However, mainstream Baptists in the UK belong to the Baptist Union.
There is a great danger for catholics going to protestant services. Most Catholics are not experts and can distinguish between Christian truth and heresy. There will be truth preached but there is Hersey as well in there and it is extremely dangerous. You may think you know enough but some of that heresy is very subtle and you will miss it. Stay in the one true church only.
In what way is their theology wrong?
Anyone rejecting Christ’s Church is rejecting Christ. Now you may say that they don’t know they are rejecting Christ’s Church but they still are, even if ignorantly. So they are still rejecting Christ out of ignorance. It is very dangerous.
Anyone rejecting Christ’s Church is rejecting Christ.
Please provide support from the Catechism in support of this claim. It would helpful to compare and contrast this with the following from Unitatis Redintegratio:

“ The brethren divided from us also use many liturgical actions of the Christian religion. These most certainly can truly engender a life of grace in ways that vary according to the condition of each Church or Community. These liturgical actions must be regarded as capable of giving access to the community of salvation.

It follows that the separated Churches and Communities as such, though we believe them to be deficient in some respects, have been by no means deprived of significance and importance in the mystery of salvation. For the Spirit of Christ has not refrained from using them as means of salvation which derive their efficacy from the very fullness of grace and truth entrusted to the Church. “
Catholics who sadly for whatever reason leave catholicsm are sometimes ‘rebaptised’ in baptist churches I was almost ‘rebaptised’ myself before reverting, and as a late catholic revert I’m coming to appreciate the grace of my christening, so find it hard relating to one person who chooses ‘rebaptism’, but would still have coffee with them and call them a brother, I just try and see the common things, and see like me we can all get confused about certain things. That said - I’d get along better with him if he came back home.
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