If the Baptist Church is the true church why are there so many different versions?
The Baptists do not claim to have “the true church.” They would say that the “true Church” consists of all who believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. The Church is not an earthly organization–it’s all of the believers in Jesus throughout history, and that includes Catholics who believe in Jesus.
The very nature of “Baptist” is forming new churches when there is a disagreement. That’s why there are so many of them with so many different names. It is not considered a “failure” or “flaw” when a disagreement leads to a group of Baptists leaving their church–it’s considered an opportunity to start a new community of believers within Christ’s Church.
Baptist churches vary greatly in how their churches look, sound, sing, pray, preach, teach. There is no way you can pin one down!
But the theology is generally the same–salvation through faith in Christ by His grace.
I grew up Baptist (Conference Baptist, which now have a different name but I’m not sure what it is. When I was little it was actually called “Swedish Baptist”).
When I was signing up to attend the Urbana Youth Conference in Urbana, IL, many years ago (when I was in college), the applications were on paper (no computers yet!). I filled in all the information–name, etc. Then I came to the “Check which church you currently are active in,” followed by a very long, at least 4 pages, of church denominations (Catholic was there!). There were Christian and Missionary Alliance, abour four different types of Lutheran (remember, this was back in the 1970s!), several kinds of Presbyterians, all the different types of Reformed Churches, (RCA, CR, German, Dutch, etc.)–but I flipped to the Baptist section–it went on and on for three full pages of the application!!! There were SO MANY KINDS OF BAPTISTS!! I found “Conference Baptists” and checked it, but I did ask my pastor why there are so many types of Baptists, and he told me pretty much what I told you above. That’s just the nature of Baptists–when there is disagreement, just start a new church–they’re all part of the True Church of Jesus Christ.
And that explains why some Protestants get upset when they are told that they cannot receive Holy Communion in the Catholic Church. They see themselves as members of the True Church of Jesus Christ, not outside of it. They don’t get it that the Church of Jesus Christ isn’t just a “spiritual” organization, but is actually a real, bricks and mortar, men and women, on-earth organization!