Do Catholics and Baptists get along?

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Thank you for the long reply that helps alot. I had the thought of how would Catholicism explain the story of the good theif Saint Dismas who was crucified with Jesus and was seemingly saved just for acknowledging Jesus did nothing wrong? Or what about the passage “Whoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die” is belief in Jesus as our savior enough? Surely Baptists and other protestants have done more than this is there no possibility of salvation for them? I used to be Anglican so I guess I’m sympathetic.
Interesting then that the Catholic Church accepts a Baptist baptism as being valid, no?

I wonder why they do them?
Ok I understand now. Forgive me I’m quite ignorant of the Scriptures. I’m still in RCIA. I’ve read the entire Catechism of the Catholic Church and parts of Scripture and I pick up phrases from movies and tv shows. I still have a long way to go.
. Then I won’t feel the need to stray into a different church where I might get confused about these things.
I would recommend that you just watch mass on tv if your Church is not open yet. The fact that you do not see the harm or the differences in churches is a problem.
From the little I know, while Baptist generally have community brother/sisterhood we Catholics should aspire to have, they are “liberal” in their beliefs for lack of a better word. If I’m not mistaken, and I very well may be, Baptists are okay with things like contraception and other forms of sexual immortality. A quick Google search also says they follow the Lutheran belief in being saved by faith alone, aswell as not having all of the sacraments. I see that it can be good to understand their practices for the sake of evangelization, but i would be weary of getting to close. Again, from what I know, they have very strong communities that are easy to be drawn to. Something we Catholics should aspire to have.
Or maybe they love Jesus like you do? Maybe it’s the Holy Spirit working in their lives? The Catholic Church accepts this reality here:

“It follows that the separated Churches and Communities as such, though we believe them to be deficient in some respects, have been by no means deprived of significance and importance in the mystery of salvation. For the Spirit of Christ has not refrained from using them as means of salvation which derive their efficacy from the very fullness of grace and truth entrusted to the Church.”

In any case - perhaps the kind thing to do (“Be kind to one another”) would be to give them the benefit of the doubt?
Hi. I am doing RCIA right now, coming from the Church of Christ. Could you possibly point me to the New Testament verses that support the seven sacraments you list? It would really help me, as I am a textualist. Also, I still cannot find where Jesus told Peter or us to get ourselves a pope. Again, I come from a southern, Nashville Church of Christ sort of history. They obviously never talk about any of this stuff to us. It is why Catholicism is just like this mystical mystery to most protestants.
Do you think going is something I will need to confess? I’m not technically Catholic yet so hopefully there’s still time to work out the kinks! 🙂
Nothing to confess, you aren’t even Catholic yet. 🙂
But not a sin anyway. Just not a good idea for you if it will lead to confusion for you.
Yeah, I have the CCC on my phone snd I am ripping through it. Thank you so very much for the generosity of your time and energy in helping me learn. Yay!
The old saying that Evangelicals like to quote is to once you claim Jesus as your savior then you should be set.

It didn’t sound right to me because it resembled more of a marketing slogan as if Jesus were a product to be bought.

Salvation is a process not a one time event. It includes cooperation with divine grace and perseverance to continue on in that grace.

What Baptist see as Catholics emphasizing works is actually Catholics cooperating with God’s Grace, or faith in action. Faith is not just an intellectual assent of Christ as savior but living every moment of one’s life cooperating with God.

I hope I am making sense.
Most Catholics are perfectly fine with Baptists and respect them, although generally speaking, Baptists frown upon Catholics. They do believe we ‘worship Mary’ and worship idols - not to mention that whole ‘drinking’ thing. 🙂 Nice on the surface until they find out you are Catholic, then they tend to do more avoiding.
As long as you don’t challenge their basic assumptions, it’s as easy to get along with Baptists, as it is to get along with anybody else. That’s just Human Nature 101.

Unless it were some extraordinary circumstances, such as a generic non-denominational service in a situation where Catholic Mass is unavailable (such as a hospital or, perish the thought, a prison), I couldn’t recommend attending non-Catholic worship services as a substitute for Mass. And above all, don’t partake of their communion service. In my part of the country, it’s not unusual for truck stops to host non-denominational Christian worship on Sunday. Never attended (I’m not a trucker), but I wouldn’t have any serious objection to it, if that were my only alternative for keeping the Lord’s Day holy.
My best friend is Southern Baptist and we get along wonderfully. A couple of things, though.

She enjoys EWTN, Mother Angelica, and Catholic prayers. She likes to go to Mass with me. She has received Holy Communion, but I think some of us have prevailed on her to curtail that activity.

She always plays TBN for me when she’s at home. She also loves shouty, angry, fire & brimstone “bishops” such as from Africa.

She doesn’t really see any difference between being Baptist and being Catholic. She says we believe the same things.

She would never convert, because Baptists are literally her family.
In my personal experience - no. I’m a former Baptist who converted at the age of 60 plus. My parents and siblings have pretty much written me off and it’s getting worse. It bothers me deeply that they hate the Catholic Church and hold that grudge. I understand where they are coming from and I used to be that way. I come from a very conservative and closed minded family. They are very judgmental toward me. They know nothing about the Catholic faith except errors. It would be very difficult for me to sit through a Baptist Church service at this point.
Your friend rejects the 7 sacraments which are the basic things in which we orthodox Christians believe, so there is a great difference between the two denominations. Baptists have come up with their own take on the Holy Scriptures which basically came from one man named John Smythe who himself was a former Anglican priest. They accuse us of following mere men, when it is they themselves who are actually guilty of that charge.
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As a trucker who is Catholic, I have many times attended services at a truck stop led by a chaplain who usually was a Baptist. I went because I could not get to a Catholic church for Mass and it is not a bad thing to pray and worship with other Christians. I had my priest’s blessing to do this as he understood what us Catholic truckers are up against when it comes to attending weekly Mass.
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As a trucker who is Catholic, I have many times attended services at a truck stop led by a chaplain who usually was a Baptist. I went because I could not get to a Catholic church for Mass and it is not a bad thing to pray and worship with other Christians. I had my priest’s blessing to do this as he understood what us Catholic truckers are up against when it comes to attending weekly Mass.
That would be my thinking exactly. It would be very difficult to park an 18-wheeler at many Catholic churches. Reasons for not attending Mass on Sundays, if one is impeded, are more fluid than many Catholics realize they are.
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