Do Catholics and Baptists get along?

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Baptists also generally believe in Sola Fide and Sola Scriptura.

Sola Fide is the idea that Faith Alone can bring salvation, which Catholics reject because we consider faith and works to be separate components which are both necessary - the bible clearly says that faith without works is dead.

Sola Scriptura is the idea that the bible is the only infallible source of Christian belief; Catholics reject this idea because we understand that traditions derived from the Church Fathers and Apostles help us understand the bible.
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People are going to people and that’s about it. It really depends who they are and you’re around.

Can we get along…yep, does it always happen…nope, but that depends on the person.
Do Catholics and Baptist get along? Some do and some don’t. Billy Graham was a Baptist and was great friends with several Popes, in particular Pope John Paul II.

Do Catholics and Baptist have the same understanding of teachings and doctrine?

In some things yes, such as the divinity of Christ, the Virgin Birth, and the Trinity.

In most things no. Such as the definition of “church”, sacramental theology verses conversion theology, the purpose- mode and timing of baptism, the definition of faith and how it relates to salvation, the authority of scripture, the meaning of presbyter/elder/bishop, the priesthood of believers and the government of the church. Just to name a few differences.
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