Holly3278, there is no such thing as an LGBT person. These are false labels that deceive people into adopting a false self-identity based upon a disordered attraction and/or behavior. As for the LGBT community, certainly people who share this false identity do gather together for the reasons that many groups do- to validate and perpetuate this self-identity, to seek understanding and to seek partners and adventures.
And so, in some sense there is an “LGBT community”- but instead of it providing dignity and legitimacy for its members, as it appears to, when looked upon more profoundly, you will find it akin to a “leper community” or a “bulimic community”. It is a community of deceived people living disordered lives and basking in this false self-identity as individual and community.
As for Christian teaching- The New Testament trumps the old. That’s to say- It does not replace it, but it amends. I can’t see how any Christian or Catholic could come to the honest conclusion that we should hate prostitutes, fornicators or homosexuals, among others, considering how Jesus dealt with sinners.
I don’t see Peter or Paul telling churches that members who do these things need to be stoned. In fact, the process for addressing a misbehaving Christian is clear- it involves going to the church and ultimately letting the person be, but never stoning or otherwise being violent to them! As for pagans- the focus is on converting, not killing them!
So, I don’t think that neither Biblical nor authentic Catholic teaching is to blame. Now, if we talk about Christian and Catholic
culture and independent teaching done in some Christian and Catholic churches, then you can point fingers and certainly sins have been committed by many Christians in this regard.
But if you look at the situation overall- It has been incredibly peaceful on the part of Christians! Where are the mass killings or even discrimination against “LGBT(+)” people? Although I do see some bad behavior from some Christians, as I mention above- overall, the more amazing thing is how those championing the acceptance and normalization of homosexuality in our society (and the world) have taken the morally correct teaching of a peaceful (but not pacifistic) religion and managed to stigmatize it and blame it for “hatred and violence” against such homosexuals. It’s a masterful piece of propaganda!
Target the teachings and people in the way of your total free-for-all-anything-goes brand of (im)morality and blame them for the “hatred and violence” they receive from ANY group- including those of another religion which is historically and in the present-day not known for being quite as peaceful.
This is not a “middleground”- This is Catholic teaching! And yes, of course it’s possible! But here’s the thing- there will always be people willing to use violent means to carry out their goals. And this includes those championing “LGBT rights”. It’s not less violent just because you use the force of the government to carry out your goal. And they are very willing to, even against the people’s will.
There are misguided souls who do believe in “LGBT rights” and yet do not believe in using force to attain them (and punish the baker, the nuns, etc…). And there are misguided souls who believe in Christian teaching and yet insist on selectively going against it by hating others, which we are told we can not do even with our enemies. And yet other misguided souls are willing to use force to “punish” those who commit the sin of homosexuality, even though they have no authority to do so.
If you want to see a correct Christian response to the whole “LGBT” thing, watch
everlastinghills.org/ and