Do conservative Christian teachings on homosexuality cause hatred and violence against the LGBT community?

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When it comes to correcting a sinner, there at least two parties involved, the sinner and the admonisher. The admonisher before admonishing the sinner must examine his or her intention. Does the need to admonish come from a place of genuine concern for the well being of the sinner or does it come from a place of pride or arrogance, the “I’m much better than you and I will make sure you know it.” mentality?
When it comes to correcting a sinner, there at least two parties involved, the sinner and the admonisher. The admonisher before admonishing the sinner must examine his or her intention. Does the need to admonish come from a place of genuine concern for the well being of the sinner or does it come from a place of pride or arrogance, the “I’m much better than you and I will make sure you know it.” mentality?
I have never offered my unsoliticited views on the immorality or otherwise of LGBT behaviour. Its only when my biblical position gets attacked that I will respond.

So it’s not so much a case of taking the log out of my own eye or let he who is without sin casting the first stone etc. It’s more like…

hey Lion IRC, I’m a promiscuous, gay, pro-choice atheist who thinks Christians are bigots and Caitlyn Jenner deserves a Nobel Prize! What do you have to say about that?
I have never offered my unsoliticited views on the immorality or otherwise of LGBT behaviour. Its only when my biblical position gets attacked that I will respond.

So it’s not so much a case of taking the log out of my own eye or let he who is without sin casting the first stone etc. It’s more like…

hey Lion IRC, I’m a promiscuous, gay, pro-choice atheist who thinks Christians are bigots and Caitlyn Jenner deserves a Nobel Prize! What do you have to say about that?

Apparently you all would have a problem with Jesus Himself!:mad:
You are able to differentiate between the sin and the sinner. But I would wager that many do not think in such a nuanced manner (as you indicate) and care not to separate the sin from the sinner. That is when problems arise.
People who do not care to separate the sin from the sinner are hypocrites and do not practice what Jesus taught.

However, there are also those who have difficulty doing it for some situations. As my post indicated, I have a very hard time separating the sin from the sinner when it comes to the loud pro-abortion people who shove abortion down our throats. Like the president of planned parenthood, or some Hollywood types who say such evil things in the name of “women’s rights.”

I would argue that people typically have a hard time loving the sinner when they believe the sinner to actually be evil. For example, you will find very few (if any) people saying that loved Hitler as a fellow human.

The trouble that comes with this isn’t because of the “hate the sin, love the sinner;” it’s actually a problem with judging the soul of the sinner instead.

We are not supposed to judge the soul of others. However, we often have a tendency to do that when emotions are high.

I pray I’m making sense.

God Bless
I honestly don’t mean to cause confusion but I’m not a conservative, right of center, etc. Catholic. I’m just a Catholic. I honestly don’t know what other Christians do or how they approach the subject, except for the occasional loud, unloving Christian person or group.

So can I honestly respond to the question as written? No. I can only point to Church teaching and like all Catholics ought to do, quote Church teaching or post a link to it. I cannot point to any study that clearly shows group A’s teachings about group B cause hatred and violence against group B. I don’t want to hate anyone. Honestly. I’ve stayed away from violence my whole life except for the two times I tried to defend myself against another teenager who felt he had something to prove by beating me up.

I’ll defend Church teaching but that’s it. My opinion is not the issue here. Collecting opinions will not help those who do and say bad things against a person or persons they know are homosexual.

I don’t go to bars or nightclubs. If I saw a sign that read Pulse, it would not cross my mind about who goes there.

Human behavior covers a wide spectrum. People will get into fights about trivial things that have nothing to do with the LGBT community. Most people who commit violent acts know each other and most crimes using guns does not involve the LGBT community.

And community is part of the answer. Obviously, as Christians, some of us are not on the same page and behaving as we ought to, but can anyone point to credible information that any Christian group, aside from a few radicals, are being motivated by Church teaching regarding LGBT persons to act against them in a violent way or to incite/promote hatred?

“Secret Catholic”, you could have worded this better.
It’s a comparison. There may be better ones, but I think it gets the point across. I do not intend to offend anyone, but I am ultimately more interested in getting the truth across than not offending anyone.

There comes a point where you have to make a point that homosexual behavior is bad- it’s disordered and in fact, evil in the Catholic sense of the word (just as all sin is evil). The “gay” community is a “community” of people living disordered lifestyles.
I don’t know about all bulimics - maybe there are some whose goal is to spiral each other ever downwards - but at least some are gathering together specially to help each other up.
There is a difference between the “alcoholic community” (a term not in common use, but that certainly corresponds to reality to a good degree) and the “AA community”. There are same-sex support groups like Courage. This is a very different thing from the “gay community”, as none of these people typically identify themselves with these disordered behaviors even if they have the inclinations towards it, similarly as we all have some inclination to sin.
Many of the members of such a group which is being made visible are probably like my friend’s 9 (yes that’s a nine) year old, they were told what they were told, they were told it often, and by many people.
A 9-year-old child is certainly not “gay” or “lesbian” or any such thing! They may have same-sex attraction or be inclined towards the preferences and activities of the opposite sex (a phenomenon which I have witnessed as well), but they are not “gay”. To have same-sex attraction is not a sin! To identify as “gay” is a choice, not a genetic or social necessity. You are right that some people try to pigeonhole others into these categories, but that does not make them so.
Don’t be naïve. A person cannot be separated from what he/she practices. To call certain practices unnatural, disgusting, sick, evil, perverted and other such “loving” labels WILL have effects on others. You cannot “wash your hands” and assert that “you were only talking about the practices and not the person”. The phrase “hate the sin, love the sinner” is hypocritical.
This sounds like a statement from the devil himself! I urge you to reconsider it! Yes, of course we can separate a person from his actions and certainly from his sins, which go against his very self. If you slept with your sister and others called your actions “unnatural, disgusting, sick, evil, and perverted”, would you have the same complaint?

The problem is that you have been desensitized to the sin of homosexuality and don’t see it as “that bad”, when indeed it is! Is it the correct pastoral decision to say these things about homosexuals today- probably not, for a lot of people- because they don’t even see the problem with their ways. Should we hate homosexuals? Absolutely not!- For they are created in the image and likeness of God himself! But hating sin hypocritical? Not unless you are willing to label Jesus the Christ as such.
I have always been disgusted by the term “Love the sinner, hate the sin.” It is very insincere, and thrown around too much. I understand a person’s intention is to tell others that the sinful things they do are hurting them and their relationship with God, but really, it seems to mean something else entirely to many people when they hear it.
Terms acquire connotations with time. Perhaps this phrase is not prudent in many cases, because of its connotation for some people- but certainly the concept is perfectly valid and correct.
Does blaming the Orlando gay nightclub massacre on Christianity cause hatred and violence against Christians?

I find it pretty hateful when I’m accused of having Orlando LGBT blood on my hands. 😦
Great observation. Agreed. Additionally I find the term “hate” rather “hateful” and overly used. it is endemic of a feelings-based culture and a conversation stopping tactic.
It’s a comparison. There may be better ones, but I think it gets the point across. I do not intend to offend anyone, but I am ultimately more interested in getting the truth across than not offending anyone.

There comes a point where you have to make a point that homosexual behavior is bad- it’s disordered and in fact, evil in the Catholic sense of the word (just as all sin is evil). The “gay” community is a “community” of people living disordered lifestyles.

There is a difference between the “alcoholic community” (a term not in common use, but that certainly corresponds to reality to a good degree) and the “AA community”. There are same-sex support groups like Courage. This is a very different thing from the “gay community”, as none of these people typically identify themselves with these disordered behaviors even if they have the inclinations towards it, similarly as we all have some inclination to sin.

A 9-year-old child is certainly not “gay” or “lesbian” or any such thing! They may have same-sex attraction or be inclined towards the preferences and activities of the opposite sex (a phenomenon which I have witnessed as well), but they are not “gay”. To have same-sex attraction is not a sin! To identify as “gay” is a choice, not a genetic or social necessity. You are right that some people try to pigeonhole others into these categories, but that does not make them so.

This sounds like a statement from the devil himself! I urge you to reconsider it! Yes, of course we can separate a person from his actions and certainly from his sins, which go against his very self. If you slept with your sister and others called your actions “unnatural, disgusting, sick, evil, and perverted”, would you have the same complaint?

The problem is that you have been desensitized to the sin of homosexuality and don’t see it as “that bad”, when indeed it is! Is it the correct pastoral decision to say these things about homosexuals today- probably not, for a lot of people- because they don’t even see the problem with their ways. Should we hate homosexuals? Absolutely not!- For they are created in the image and likeness of God himself! But hating sin hypocritical? Not unless you are willing to label Jesus the Christ as such.

Terms acquire connotations with time. Perhaps this phrase is not prudent in many cases, because of its connotation for some people- but certainly the concept is perfectly valid and correct.

Great observation. Agreed. Additionally I find the term “hate” rather “hateful” and overly used. it is endemic of a feelings-based culture and a conversation stopping tactic.
Good points.

In regard to the Orlando tragedy I cannot condemn the actions of this demented attacker enough.
Unfortunately as far as I can tell the Church is only looking at this as the human tragedy it is. What
is not addressed is the larger tragedy, the loss of Eternal Life with chance of redemption cut off for
the victims. I do not know any of the victims and judge no one, circumstances indicate that a large
number of the victims engaged in a “homosexual” lifestyle and were not the noble “homosexual
person” often presented that faced with exclusive SSA lives a chaste life while carrying a heavier
cross than others. ref

I believe SSA real a temptation, SS behavior real a sin and the “homosexual person” a myth.

The Magisterium claims the mythical “homosexual person” real. I am confident that the Lord will
have the Magisterium correct this error in His Time.

What is your view?

God bless
Good points.

In regard to the Orlando tragedy I cannot condemn the actions of this demented attacker enough.
Unfortunately as far as I can tell the Church is only looking at this as the human tragedy it is. What
is not addressed is the larger tragedy, the loss of Eternal Life with chance of redemption cut off for
the victims. I do not know any of the victims and judge no one, circumstances indicate that a large
number of the victims engaged in a “homosexual” lifestyle and were not the noble “homosexual
person” often presented that faced with exclusive SSA lives a chaste life while carrying a heavier
cross than others.

I believe SSA real a temptation, SS behavior real a sin and the “homosexual person” a myth.

The Magisterium claims the mythical “homosexual person” real. I am confident that the Lord will
have the Magisterium correct this error in His Time.

What is your view?

God bless
You need to stop with the whole “mythical” thing, and I say this with love. You seem to have an obsession with this, and I don’t understand why?
You need to stop with the whole “mythical” thing, and I say this with love. You seem to have an obsession with this, and I don’t understand why?
My view is not dogmatic. If I see tangible proof of exclusive SSA or reference to exclusive SSA in the Sacred
Deposit of Faith; I will concede the point but these things do not exist I have looked. I have not been presented
anything of substance to support this, just rationalization.

The “homosexual person” is a mythical thing and as far as I know the only falsehood presented as true
by the Magisterium. If your view is not dogmatic present your proof, I would be grateful.

God bless
So, a Muslim goes into a night club catering to homosexuals, declares his allegiance to the Islamic State in a 911 call he makes during the attack, and the fault lies with…Christians???

Well, gee, let’s see if maybe that’s true. In April of this year a Muslim scholar said that killing homosexuals was the compassionate thing to do. “Death is the sentence. We know. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about this. Death is the sentence.” It would be easier to ignore this if he hadn’t said it at an Orlando mosque.

Still, maybe that’s not a mainstream position, although in February Obama met with Imam Yaseen Shaikh, who said about homosexual behavior that it: *“is an immoral act, it is a shameful act, it is despised act, it is haram, it is forbidden in Islam, completely, absolutely…" *That seems pretty mainstream. He also said this: *“Whatever the Koran commands we accept”. *So, what does the Koran say is the punishment for homosexual acts? Based on the laws enacted in Saudi Arabia and a half-dozen other Islamic states, it would seem that what the Koran commands for homosexuals is death.

Right. Clearly the Christians are responsible for Orlando.

My view is not dogmatic. If I see tangible proof of exclusive SSA or reference to exclusive SSA in the Sacred
Deposit of Faith; I will concede the point but these things do not exist I have looked. I have not been presented
anything of substance to support this, just rationalization.

The “homosexual person” is a mythical thing and as far as I know the only falsehood presented as true
by the Magisterium. If your view is not dogmatic present your proof, I would be grateful.

God bless
Seriously man… You are hurting my head…🤷
Its one thing to accept someone for having this disorder (same sex attraction), I agree we should accept them as anyone else, and not discriminate, after all, everyone has their own sinful vices and personal demons they struggle with, same sex attraction is just one of many. Its something else entirely to encourage and tell people its normal and ok to engage in homosexual activities and relationships

But when nations start changing laws and cater towards taking this further, like engaging in gay relationships, marriages, trying to label it as acceptable, etc we as christians should not be party to this type of thing, that would be the same as encouraging other types of sin, once we start down this slippery slope, whats to prevent someone from starting to think other types of sins are acceptable and OK.

We must remember the secular world is not concerned with sin and I think the US is treading into dangerous water after they legally supported SSM, and try to push everyone to accept that gay relationships and marriages are totally fine and acceptable. God most certainly does not see it as acceptable or ok.

So, of course its going to cause hatred, they hated Jesus when he walked the earth, no different today.
Don’t be naïve. A person cannot be separated from what he/she practices. To call certain practices unnatural, disgusting, sick, evil, perverted and other such “loving” labels WILL have effects on others. You cannot “wash your hands” and assert that “you were only talking about the practices and not the person”. The phrase “hate the sin, love the sinner” is hypocritical.

Well, hopefully you will still return to the forum to read the response and continue to learn from knowledgeable Catholics and have seeds planted…

But there is nothing hypocritical, at all, about the concept of loving a person and saying, “But what you do is wrong”.

Now, of course, it must be presented with kindness and mercy, so I agree with you that calling someone’s actions “disgusting” is not the right approach…but that doesn’t make the concept of loving the sinner and hating the sin hypocritical.
You need to stop with the whole “mythical” thing, and I say this with love. You seem to have an obsession with this, and I don’t understand why?
Yes. There is a johnny-one-note quality to these posts.

One has to wonder what the source of this obsession is?
You need to stop with the whole “mythical” thing, and I say this with love. You seem to have an obsession with this, and I don’t understand why?
I believe it’s possible to use the term “gay person” or “the homosexual person” without conceding anything more than that some people claim to be born that way.

In other words, even if I really thought that there is no such thing as a supposedly “gay person” (because they are myth) I could nonetheless still correctly use that term that describe people who (mistakenly) called themselves “gay”.

Whatever language the magisterium uses to express dogma in this regard is beside the point.
“…I’m gay”
No you’re not
“…yes I am”
No you’re not
“…am too!”
Are not…
These are extremely interesting points.

Particularly in regard to the last sentence I think it is an authority problem.

In the authority vacuum that is the Catholic Church together with the prevalent dumbing-down we get in the Catholic Church, someone who should have every right to set up on a web site and state what they want, can’t easily be critiqued and nuanced (shown up) by the rest of us who have not been equipped by a more-watertight, more-comprehensive and more-consistent account of Christian teaching.

There are pockets where it has hung on in a few schools and parishes (well represented among CAF members) but the Catholic faith has been too dumbed down for too long on too wide a scale to survive easily.

On the website dumbing down is listed as a form of psychological manipulation. What was that all about then?
The issue is indeed lack of education resulting people in saying hateful things that are not what the Church teaches. A major issue is that the culture wars framing that a lot of Church leadership use contributes to the us v. them mentality which results in more hate towards LGBT people. That isn’t their intent, but we are also responsible for the impact of actions, not just impact. Lots of Catholics don’t understand the Curial is the opposite of Mercurial, it is incredibly slow and measured. Unfortunately the extreme delay has resulted in when the Vatican is finally responding to radical third wave feminism’s gender ideology, that men and women only act differently due to nature, people think that this is a response to transgender people which it isn’t at all. In fact the two are so different that the former constantly attack the latter as the latter completely disagree; transgender people believe that gender is immutable, the difference from most lay Catholics is that transgender people believe it is the mind and soul that determine gender, not the stuff between their legs.

I believe it’s possible to use the term “gay person” or “the homosexual person” without conceding anything more than that some people claim to be born that way.

In other words, even if I really thought that there is no such thing as a supposedly “gay person” (because they are myth) I could nonetheless still correctly use that term that describe people who (mistakenly) called themselves “gay”.

Whatever language the magisterium uses to express dogma in this regard is beside the point.
This is not about vocabulary the Magisterium claims the mythical “homosexual person” real.

Is truth not important for you? Truth is important for me.

People will give emotional argument and rationalization and believe that is sufficient to resolve
the issue. It is not and no one has presented tangible proof of exclusive SSA or reference to exclusive
SSA in the Sacred Deposit of Faith. Do you have either of these?

God bless
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