I believe that what is being expressed here is that homosexuality, although it can be “deep-seated” (like any sin), is not ultimately a proper attribute of the real human person made in the image and likeness of God. Instead it’s a disordered behavior and SSA is a disordered tendency. And to identify yourself as a “homosexual person” is misleading and counter-productive to the proper understanding of your nature and function as a human being. You’re identifying with a disorder. And nobody is a disorder, even though we all have disordered behaviors.You need to stop with the whole “mythical” thing, and I say this with love. You seem to have an obsession with this, and I don’t understand why?
I recently heard it said that all improper “I AM” statements where dangerous to our self-image and I agree. Even things like “I am an alcoholic” or even “I am a recovering alcoholic” can be very counter-productive. “I have abused alcohol” or “I have addictive cravings” are better statements. These are things that, as sinners, we all experience to some degree. I certainly experience many disordered temptations in life. But I don’t identify myself with them, even when I have indulged in them in the past- because that’s not me- that’s simply disordered behavior I have engaged in.
Just because a person claims a certain identity doesn’t make it so- like a man who claims to be a woman. “Gay” may be a common way of identifying a man (or even woman) with same-sex attraction, but it is also an “I AM” statement that seems to mischaracterize this tendency as an integral part of the person. Most Christians who have SSA, but choose to live according to Jesus’ teachings reject this label.“…I’m gay”
No you’re not
“…yes I am”
No you’re not
“…am too!”
Are not…
The way you pose the argument may be fruitless, but not when followed with a proper explanation like the one I have laid out, at the prudent time and place, of course. If someone I just met or only have an acquaintance with identifies him or herself as “gay”, especially a non-Christian, I won’t normally challenge that identity, as it is the term the world uses and is easy to understand, but I know that it is wrong, and if I have a chance to evangelize, I will.