I don’t think the Magisterium says anything controversial when referring to people who believe they experience an exclusive (or predominant) sexual attraction toward persons of the same sex.
When we read the text it’s actually pretty ambiguous. It’s not an empirical or scientifically emphatic statement, objectively defining the what the word “
attraction” means. It’s merely a reference to the fact that there exists in society a very small cohort of people who claim that they personally experience a certain feeling which they (tentatively) claim is inherent and unchanging.
Bhat does an “
experience” of such feelings entail apart from the subjective inner feelings of the person who makes the claim?
Even if I dispute the claim they make about their own personal “experience” - I still need a word, a taxonomy, a common language to talk about the
thing in question. Because it’s pretty difficult to commence a discussion about the “H” word if someone says we can’t start talking unless and until everyone agrees on every last detail about the precise meaning of the “H” word.
*"…I’m not discussing homosexuality with you until you agree that people are born that way"
“…oh yeah? Well I’m not discussing it unless you agree they aren’t*”
Thank you. God bless you also.