I’m kind of confused at your confusion. How is principle even possibly the same as Person? “Principle” refers to the Spiration, of which there is one “from the Father, through the Son”; it doesn’t even begin to refer to Person.Please do me a favor and explain exactly what is the difference between “as from one PRINCIPLE” and “as from one PERSON”?
If “one Principle” meant “one Person”, then the Spiration could never be said to be “through the Son”, as it is in the Latin tradition. It couldn’t even be said to be from the “Father AND the Son”, since the “and” indicates two distinct Persons. If one principle was the same as “as from one Person”, then there would be no way to refer to the two Persons individually in the filioque, and instead a third term that covered both Father and Son would have to be used (no such term exists, and never has, indicating that this was never even a consideration in the Latin tradition).
St. Augustine certainly never suggested anything like “one Person”, and I don’t see how it could even be inferred from his writings. No other Latin doctors suggested anything like it either, especially since it is precisely the distinctness of the Father and Son which is being referred to in the Augustinian Trinitarian approach (elsewise the Holy Spirit couldn’t be said to be the “Gift” or the “Love” from the Father to the Son).
The expression “one principle” simply means that the Holy Spirit doesn’t flow separately from the Father and the Son, as if both were contributing half parts to make up the Holy Spirit. There is only one “breathing forth”, and that is why there is said to be “one principle”; it simply has absolutely nothing to do with Person at all. To use the classic Patristic example, if you have a spring, a stream, and a lake, and the lake is filled only from the stream, and the stream comes only from the single spring, then you have one principle of the lake (since it’s not fed from more than one flow of water). This doesn’t even begin to make the stream and the spring the same thing.
I’m really at a loss for how this could even be a confusion.
Peace and God bless!