Do men have obligation to provide for their family materially?

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My husband and I have a unique situation, he has the degree and education in a highly specialized field, yet - I am the breadwinner and he is the stay at home dad. I’ve been blessed with carreer experience that has allowed me to provide a comfortable income for us - there is no need for my husband to work out side of the home. Our son has dad there every day, doing laundry and cooking.

We drive used cars (have never owned a new car), live in a small house, do not take lavish vacations - and have a wonderful son. He is the best 13 year old I’ve ever known!

One parent should be home, however it works out for each family -

I wouldn’t want to marry a guy who didn’t want me to have ambition.
Gosh, I can’t think of a single thing that is more amitious than devoting all of oneself to raising saints.
"For the Catholic family, dependency isn’t a bad word. We’re supposed to be dependent on one another. For example, I depend on my husband for financial support…and he depends on me for meals and clean underwear. 😉 "

But to me there’s a difference between depending on someone, and being dependent on someone. I was dependent on my parents as a child (hey who am I kidding, I call home crying about money every month) to have ALL of my needs met, that I was happy, clean, fed, sheltered clothed and schooled. Now I depend on them for emotional support, and some monetary support.

Also I don’t cook, I mean I try, but people end up puking. I exist solely on diet coke cigarettes and pop tarts. And I don’t date guys who can’t do their laundry, I once dated a guy who refused to learn, and just kept buying new clothes til he would go home and his mom would do it. Ugh.

Gosh, I can’t think of a single thing that is more amitious than devoting all of oneself to raising saints.

There’s nothing wrong with being a stay at home mom, but last time I checked, one shouldn’t really be taking care of one’s own children until at least 9 months after the wedding date. And what the heck am I supposed to be doing before that? Or before I get married? I mean I go nuts at home when I’m sick and can’t go to work, I can’t imagine sitting around everyday doing nothing but watching soaps and talk shows. (I’m talking about before kids). There’s only so much grocery shopping and bill paying and cleaning to do. I do all of that stuff on Saturdays in my apartment.
Gosh, I can’t think of a single thing that is more amitious than devoting all of oneself to raising saints.
To God Be the Glory!!! You won’t be sorry for the sacrifices you are making now in the big picture!!!

God Bless You and Your Family “MamaAtHome”~~
Paul W:
Men have a duty to see that their family is provided for, but that doesn’t preclude a man staying home with the kids while his better-educated wife earns a nice salary.It would be no different than if a man buys a life insurance policy to provide for his family.
It’s the end result that matters, not necessarily how it’s accomplished.
PaulW: Forgive me, but I have to say I totally disagree with this way of looking at things and this, I feel, is merely a deception, in my view, nothing more. For a man’s ego is completely related to his job and providing for his family, and I have witnessed too many “career women” who say on the outside they “love” their career, but have a “stay at home dad” for a husband, and with the woman being the providers with a better job, more income, etc…on the inside they are very resentful. Do you really think men and women were made for this type of arrangement? I have to disagree it’s not ONLY the end result that matters in this life–it’s doing things like we’re supposed to. Doing things God’s way. Maybe that’s old-fashioned, but you know? God’s Word is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. I know one couple, wife is a doctor, hubby a “struggling artist and actor” --who was a “stay at home dad”-- 5 kids—while mom went to her medical practice earning big money. Well their marriage ended in a most bitter divorce–kids are on drugs, 2 have ADD, 1 pregnant at 14, husband had affair with woman who “needed him” --not a professional, but a woman he could take care of --rather than she taking care of him, the list goes on. I urge you or anybody to think twice about this type of arrangement, and pray and seek God’s Will here. Yes, we all have our struggles–don’t we? and I don’t mean to condemn anybody who finds themselves in less than ideal circumstances. We’ve all been there, I have–I just have come to find out traditional roles ALWAYS have the best outcome!!!

God Bless~~
Sparkle, If you could just throw an “almost” in front of your “traditional roles ALWAYS work out best!” I personally could never be a house husband, I am as you say very tied in to the masculine ego of working an important job and being ambitious and successful. But some men can, and many women seem to hate the idea of not having at least a part-time job in the discipline or career field they studied years to enter. I personally am very tied in to working for a Catholic not-for-profit organization rather than a secular for-profit where I could make more money. People think I’m crazy, that it shouldn’t matter that I work for the Church if I can make more money working for a good secular company. I’m a minority, similar to those men who are tied in to being at-home dads. We’re few in number, but we are out there!
Sparkle, If you could just throw an “almost” in front of your “traditional roles ALWAYS work out best!” I personally could never be a house husband, I am as you say very tied in to the masculine ego of working an important job and being ambitious and successful. But some men can, and many women seem to hate the idea of not having at least a part-time job in the discipline or career field they studied years to enter. I personally am very tied in to working for a Catholic not-for-profit organization rather than a secular for-profit where I could make more money. People think I’m crazy, that it shouldn’t matter that I work for the Church if I can make more money working for a good secular company. I’m a minority, similar to those men who are tied in to being at-home dads. We’re few in number, but we are out there!
Hi Friend:

It’s never too late to try something new!!! Seek God’s Will in whatever you do!!!

You’re in my prayers today!

God Bless You~~
Since when does making more money mean a happier home? I’m confused, but maybe there is something I’m not getting. In many of the replies on this thread, there seems to be this assumption made that because the wife can make more money than her husband, she should be the breadwinner. My question - what is an ‘alright salary’? When is enough enough? If spam feeds the family, then why do women feel compelled to bring home ham? Especially when in doing so, the children lose their mother in the process.

I think the issue here is really about gender roles. Are we really trying to say that there are no differences between men and women, aside from physical attributes? I hardly think so. Who can deny that women and men act, think, and relate differently. Yet we say this has no bearing on roles within the family. that’s nonsense.

Some may find this offensive, but just because a man can stay home and play mom, does not mean he is mom. I agree with a previous post that men, especially, are confused about their roles in society. How can we say that homosexuality is wrong (without quoting the bible) if we say that there is no difference between men and women (other than physically)? Why should a man want to be a man? According to our society, women can do everything that men can do, and on top of that, bear children. Going by this, it doesn’t sound like men and women are really equal.
Of course, there are circumstances where the mother or father (for a time, or perhaps permanently) must take over the role as provider, or vice versa, but as soon as he/she is able, they must relinquish their role and return to what God has established.
Since when does making more money mean a happier home? I’m confused, but maybe there is something I’m not getting. In many of the replies on this thread, there seems to be this assumption made that because the wife can make more money than her husband, she should be the breadwinner. My question - what is an ‘alright salary’? When is enough enough? If spam feeds the family, then why do women feel compelled to bring home ham? Especially when in doing so, the children lose their mother in the process.

I think the issue here is really about gender roles. Are we really trying to say that there are no differences between men and women, aside from physical attributes? I hardly think so. Who can deny that women and men act, think, and relate differently. Yet we say this has no bearing on roles within the family. that’s nonsense.

Some may find this offensive, but just because a man can stay home and play mom, does not mean he is mom. I agree with a previous post that men, especially, are confused about their roles in society. How can we say that homosexuality is wrong (without quoting the bible) if we say that there is no difference between men and women (other than physically)? Why should a man want to be a man? According to our society, women can do everything that men can do, and on top of that, bear children. Going by this, it doesn’t sound like men and women are really equal.
Of course, there are circumstances where the mother (for a time, or perhaps permanently) must take over the role as provider, or vice versa, but as soon as he/she is able, they must relinquish their role and return to what God has established.

Luv your reply! You’re a gem of a person!!!

AMEN! You know–I think alot of replies defending such “reversal of roles” are merely because of the fact that just because we’re Christians or Catholics does not make people immune to our sick culture but shows how much we’ve been influenced by the culture today doesn’t it? Love your statement about just because a man stays home with the kids and “plays” the role of mom --DOES NOT MAKE HIM mom —

God Bless You~~~ You’re “right on” in your thinking friend~~now be an example to your friends, family and neighbors–that’s what we’re called to do -don’t you think???
The Rigbys:
For the Catholic family, dependency isn’t a bad word. We’re supposed to be dependent on one another. For example, I depend on my husband for financial support…and he depends on me for meals and clean underwear. 😉

I agree with the rest of your post, but suggest that you consider looking at your words from a different angle. The work of being “the heart of the home” is more challenging and more rewarding than you might think. And the housewife’s ambition is a very important one: to live out her vocation by serving her family, and helping them to be happier, healthier, and holier. 🙂

So many millions of women have done this job, over the years, and so few have been appreciated. I’m greatly blessed to have a husband who sees the value of my work, and supports my ambition. 🙂

God bless,
Mrs. R
Comming from the womens point of view on the same level in this post…(Oh…I probably am going to get some hate mail here…but this is a big topic for me…)

I truly believe in my heart that when you are married and decide you are going to have a family, one should stay home raising the kids and taking care of the home… As I believe that is a vocation and a responsibility that must be taken seriously…(especially in todays world…) Now I am not saying it SHOULD be the women who does this…I am certainly think there are those men out there who are cut out for this vocation as well… Women are more than cabable to be the breadwinner. I don’t think it should be a man/women issue… God has plans for each of us and he know what we are capable in doing wiht the gifts he has given each of us… (talents…)

In our case I stay home and my husband is the breadwinner, as in our situation we believe it should be this way…To each his own…
But the most important issue to me is this… If you are going to have children, PLEASE… be responsible and raise them then…Don’t hand them off to someone else to raise… And I don’t like hearing…But we can’t make it on one income… Well, Can you afford to pay the amount of money it takes to have some stranger raising your child/ren… I think this is such a shameful thought myself…IMO…

NO please no hate mail this is just my opinion…

Men should be guided by the principle laid down by St. Paul at Ephesians 5:25-29. “Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church. He gave Himself up for her, to make her holy . . … Husbands should love their wives as they do their own bodies. . . … Observe that no one ever hates his own flesh; no, he nourishes it and takes care of it as Christ cares for his church . . …”

Economic structures have varied from age to age, and they vary now from society to society, and even within individual societies. But for the average husband, to toil and sacrifice in order in order to provide for his wife and children is the way he will imitate Christ.

I have known this blessing, and it truly is a blessing. I pray that every married man come to know it as well.
Men should be guided by the principle laid down by St. Paul at Ephesians 5:25-29. “Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church. He gave Himself up for her, to make her holy . . … Husbands should love their wives as they do their own bodies. . . … Observe that no one ever hates his own flesh; no, he nourishes it and takes care of it as Christ cares for his church . . …”

Economic structures have varied from age to age, and they vary now from society to society, and even within individual societies. But for the average husband, to toil and sacrifice in order in order to provide for his wife and children is the way he will imitate Christ.

I have known this blessing, and it truly is a blessing. I pray that every married man come to know it as well.
Beautifully put Grayton… Much more thoughtful, and probably more charitable than my post… I just get hot under the coller a bit…
all this talk about traditional gender roles being willed by God and God-given and the like. Once again, where does Jesus say anything about gender roles? Where does Jesus say mothers shouldn’t work outside the home?
certainly the state seems to think it is a man’s responsiblity to financially support his family. that’s why they will go after deadbeat dads to collect child support, especially for kids on welfare or ADC. So how do you justify this leap from your first question to the assumption that working women are competing with men for jobs? We would all love to stay home and raise our kids. Some reasons we don’t
Husband working as Catholic school teacher, youth minister or other church job and isn’t paid enough to lift us over the poverty level
Dad took off and mom doesn’t want to go on welfare
Dad is home but won’t get a job, using the excuse that some feminist bitch got the job he was after because of affirmitive action
Kids in Catholic school or college, and one income just doesn’t cut it
Dad is a stay-at-home parent working on thesis, novel, computer program, fantasy football league, or other endeavor that has a potential for making money but hasn’t panned out yet, and we have to eat and pay bills.
Dad is self-employed and mom works for the health care benefits
Sparkle: It seems you have some serious cultural blinders on. Historically it has not simply been men as the main breadwinners, espescially not in non-Western cultures. Work outside the home is actually a very recent development in human history. VERY recent, in fact, as in the last few centuries. Prior to that both the men and women did the work, as did the kids. In agricultural societies the labor is often divided very close to 50/50, and in pre-agricultural societies the women are almost universally the primary suppliers of food. Contrary to your statements, men were often the protectors, not the bread winners, and this often entailed long stints away from home with women providing the only major labor for the society; in modern times WWII is a perfect example of this reality.

Women generally did equal amounts of farmwork when the man was home, and all of it when he was protecting the home. Only with the advent of advanced pre-industrial and industrial societies do we see men step into the role of primary bread winner, and now in post-industrial societies we see it going back to the previous balance. Who do you think was winning the bread when the Israelite men were off at war against the Canaanites? Who won the bread in Europe when the feudal lords conscripted the men for their wars, or when the Pope declared a Crusade?
What a great question! Random thoughts:

Remember the psalm (loosely quoted) “happy the man whose wife is like a fruitful vine in the recesses of his home, his children like olive plants around his table”? The Almighty seems to endorse the concept of wife at home/husband in workplace.

Except that - not everyone marries. There are people called to the single life. A society that does not provide equal opportunity for women in the workplace forces women into marriages based solely on economic reasons. That just doesn’t seem right. 😦

And, traditional roles grew out of our experience in largely agrarian societies - where all the work was “at home” and everybody worked toward the common good, but found themselves in roles truly dictated by their biology. If you saw the PBS show about families reliving the pioneer life, you know that the women soon found themselves relegated to the traditional housekeeping roles because they lacked the raw muscle power to do the heavy lifting. Anyone who saw the final episode saw the relief with which the women greeted the washing machine and dishwasher. Old-fashioned housework was largely a life of drudgery, pure and simple.

Not that this issue is pure and simple, and it hasn’t been all good for women in the workplace. In “What’s Wrong with the World” GK Chesterton wrote about the rise of feminism and the influx of women into the workforce. He made some stunningly accurate predictions.

First, he said that women would do very well in the workplace. He admired women as the ultimate generalists, who could turn their hands to anything and do it well. (On the other hand, GK regarded men as specialists, who “can do one thing well… if they are made to.” Gotta love GK! 😃 )

Second, he said that women would go to work and compete well… but then would come home and try to do everything at home as well as if she weren’t working because, “you can free woman from the home, but you can’t free her from her conscience.”

GK called it right - about 70 years before women’s magazines started moaning about the stress of trying to “have it all.”

Three principles seem to emerge from this:
  1. Traditional roles are by and large going to work for most of the population - there’s something in the human heart that resonates to Mom making the home, Dad as breadwinner.
  2. Life is messy. Not everyone is going to fit into the first principle situation - widows with children, single people without kids, folks who just made a mistake and have to get on with their lives the best way they know how. The psalm says “happy the man” - it doesn’t say “and belittle or berate those who aren’t lucky enough to have this.”
  3. Whatever your individual situation, recognize that couples have a joint responsibility to provide for their family. In agrarian societies, each partner had their role, but no one got a free ride. In today’s world, the dependence on intellect and education make other labor divisions possible. Each couple has a duty to consider the options and make their best choice, knowing they will answer to God for not only their decision, but also for their motivations in making it.
A final principle - these discussions are good, useful, and don’t happen enough. We aren’t used (anymore) to throwing our individual decisions against a common moral screen to see if they pass.

But be on guard against the temptation to judge others who aren’t in the “first principle situation” and don’t use that happy, best situation to discriminate against women in the workplace. Because there’s another psalm that recognizes women’s contribution to the material provision for the home that (loosely) says, “let the work of her hands praise her at the city’s gates.” Granted, it was written with the more traditional tasks of weaving and spinning and bread-making in mind… but how many men are still plowing fields and pruning vines and bringing in the harvest? :hmmm:
I am a little old fashioned. I do still feel that a man should ideally be responsible for providing for his family. I feel that it is better to have the mother home to care for the children and the home and the man to go out and support them finacially. However, I also know that it is fine if they work it out so that he stays home and cares for the home while she goes out and work. I don’t feel that it is a matter of woman competing with a man. One may be able to provide better financially than the other. And in many cases it takes both of them to earn enough to meet the families needs.The main point is that the family is taken care of . I am not saying that the financial needs should be at the expense of the non-material needs of the family. But sometimes, the neccesities requre both to work. I know couples that stagger their days off or shifts worked so that one of them is always their with the kids. Also sometimes the woman is the only breadwinner available. I would have stayed home with my kids in and instant if that had been possible. I would love to devote my days to caring for my family. But I have to work or their is NO income. I agree that the ideal has mom home with kids, but it isn’t an ideal world. So although I feel that the man should be the one to provide for the family, I know it isn’t always possible. As much as I love my work, I love my work as a mother more. But I also don’t feel that by working I am taking a job from a man. He can get the training and get my job. I am not keeping him from it by me working. When I applied for a job, they didn’t care if I was a man or a woman, they only cared could I do the job. And although I do feel that woman entering the work force has contributed to the breakdown of the family, I refuse to believe that because a man should take care of his family he should get first dibs on the job. Maybe sometimes “The women may hold a job that a man needs to provide for his family even though her salary is not needed to provide for her own.” But it is often that she holds the job that she also needs to probide for her family.

I also agree that a traditional role for a man was to protect his family. The work to provide for the family was done by the whole family with even 3 or 4 year old children doing thier part.
God created men and women differently. God has a purpose for everything (though I often question mosquitos and poison ivy). I believe that men are supposed to provide for their families and it seems to me that God gave them that nature. I don’t know where this is in the Bible, but I know it says somewhere that a MAN who does not provide for his family is worse than an infidel (sp?!). It does not say a woman…Yes, I know that there are a thousands stories and exceptions regarding who brings home the bacon. My own mother had to provide for us because of an alcoholic father. The thing is, my example is a case of man messing things up, not God intending that our mother be absent from our home. I liken the whole bread-winner issue to what I think about cosmetic surgery. It’s like saying, “Yeh, nice try, God, but let me fix it for you. I’ll be happier this way…” The feminist movement tricked women into thinking that their roles at home were small. That raising children was not honorable (funny how most of the original feminists were unmarried women with no children – some even lesbians). It also confused men or gave them an excuse to be lazy. I know I’m being very cut and dry, but there you have it.
Men who stay home also provide for their families. They perform mundane chores day in and day out, provide physical labour, provide love and support. Just because they don’t bring in a pay cheque, doesn’t mean that they don’t provide.

And heck, who would want to eat my cooking. It’s just not a skill that I’m good at. I am good at differential calculus and applied statistics … but that doesn’t make for very tasty meals.
I’ll be the breadwinner once I get out of college. My fiance makes an alright wage…he works in plumbing retail. I’m planning on becoming a biotechnologist. I invested in my education which allows me to earn more money. He tried college but it wasn’t for him. He knows that he will make less money then me. It’s all good. But i know that I would like to stay home with my children when they come around, but chances are I won’t be able to.
I don’t get it. If you want to be home to raise children (in the future) why don’t you take steps now to help it happen? I have known a number of women who were sure they wanted to return to work and after that baby was born, they would have done most anything to stay home. —KCT
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