Minerva said:I don’t think it’s a weak argument at all. I brought it up because so many conservative Catholics place adhering to certain gender roles on the level of the Gospel. I’ve been called a bad Catholic (and worse) because I want to be both a mother and a professor. I would just like to see what is the basis for this attitude. Is it in anything Jesus said? NO! Is it implied by anything Jesus said? NO! (unlike the emailing of raunchy pictures - would fit under CHrist’s teachings on lust and chastity). If Christ had touched on the topic of working moms I could understand why it would be so important to certain Catholics. But he didn’t say anything about gender roles or how women and men should follow Him in different manners and the like. It seems that it would be obvious that such issues are non essential to our faith, but to hear some people talk you’d think feminism was the greatest heresy of all time.
I am not saying it is a “bad” argument, just weak. I didn’t see anyone claiming that Jesus said women should stay home and care for children, but by the same token you can’t say he said women should work outside the home either.
Logically there are huge problems with the “Jesus didn’t say” argument. As I pointed out above there are many things Jesus never addressed. Many of those things were not addressed simply because the concept in question did not exist at the time the gospels were written. Women didn’t work outside the home in Jesus day. It wasn’t even a possibility. In fact very few men worked outside the home. The industrial age with its separation of work and family was over a thousand years in the future.
The other main problem with “Jesus didn’t say” is that it is the same as saying “where in the Bible?” in other words… sola scriptura.
Now, if you want to look in the Bible you will see all Pauline cometary about women and their place in the church. But as Catholics we should not limit ourselves to “Jesus said” as an argument nor hold it as the only standard.