No, we don’t hate Catholicism or Catholics. If we did, we wouldn’t include in our liturgy the one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.
What we don’t like is the idea of secularism and secular power taking over the Church. I mean, you have a Pope, and the Pope’s have clearly abused the power and majesty of the Church before. And you view him as a representative of God, which some popes clearly aren’t.
And then there’s the whole saint thing. I understand that you’re not revering saints as God, but it really looks like you are in some cases, and the Catholic Church holds this same position against icons. The Catholic Church is iconoclastic against Eastern Orthodoxy, but you still carry tokens of saints and put Christ on a rather mournful cross. Are you sure you’re not worshiping icons? It seems like you are from a Protestant and Presbyterian perspective.
Not that we’re the Holy Mother Church or that we’re right. We’re just the reformers who say “Hey! What are you doing with the Church?” And then we nail a bunch of theses to the door.
That’s all we are. We aren’t really enemies, the most sincere enemies Catholics ever had was other Catholics trying to usurp the Vatican. Or maybe Muslims. Or Communists. Or fascists. We’re just rebellious Catholics with no desire to destroy Catholicism, and no desire to be led by it until it reforms.
Speaking for myself, the most annoying thing about Catholicism is that I’m not allowed to share Communion. I get it, I’m excommunicate, but it still seems like a jerk move. We don’t forbid Catholics from Communion despite our reservations, so why us?
Again, I kind of get it. Catholicism is a very old religious tradition, it has lasted 2000 years and Protestantism has only been around for a few centuries. It is obviously doing something right, and that thing is keeping religious tradition. But come on! We’re not your main enemies!
Maybe we let in a few secularists because we were too gentle. So did you. How is it bad if we re-unify? All Protestants want reunion with the Catholic church. We live for it, but the Catholic Church won’t accept us. We are excommunicate and it doesn’t feel like we should be.
That is our only separation.