it doesnt diminish the harm that the roman catholic church has caused through the centuries, either, they just havent had a chance the chance to play on the scale that others have, as their power has waned. and there is one huge similarity between islam (and judaeism, which i also mentioned) and catholicism, which is they all worship the same god, they just call him different names.
i dont feel he has abandoned me per se, i just dont feel as tho hes given me much thought either way. how did i experience god? well, im not sure i totally understand the question, but i participated in church as well as i could, despite the other kids being little jerks in general, and i was baptised, and around 11-13, i felt as though i were very religious, and then i started to form my own worldview, and saw that things werent as simple as they were, and that the world is needlessly cruel, and unfair, and that just because you believe in something and try to make it true doesnt make it so. maybe i just didnt try hard enough, but its as hard as im willing to. im not going to die a husk because god didnt want to give a little back.