G-d never once commands someone to murder, He does command someone to kill which implies a reason, or a justification for the killing.
At this point, I want to make a very clear distinction.
There is a book, that claims God commanded something.
And then…there is God whatever he/she/it may be. Let’s presume, he exists.
It is not logical to conclude that G-d would never command killing since the Isrealites lives in consist danger of extermination.
This makes an assumption by default, that God wanted the Israelite to live more than another group.Why would you believe this?
Because they told you? It is an assumption made BY the Israelites because THEY decided God chose them. It is not suprising they decided they were Gods chosen and they were not the first to do so. As the world show’s us today, they will not be the last.
Anyone else, can make the same claim to “God’s special treatment”. The question is…why do you believe them over any other?
G-d took the steps required to preserve His teaching because it needed to be preserved to fulfill the conditions required for the savior and ultimately to save mankind.
You are starting to build a “logical” argument, on a premise made by human beings.
#1 premise. Humans needed savng
#2 premise. The Israelites were the chosen people(a claim made by…of course the Israelites)
#3. God, could not teach anyone but the Israelites.
4 And that God, was willing them to kill other’s to preserve the Israelites, which suited the Israelites survival instince and purposes…to the letter.
Isn’t it amazing, that a tribe of humans who wanted to survive, found a God, who agreed with them?
Other’s can make the same claim, and they sound awefully, awefully human when they do.
Contrary to popular implications, the people the Isrealites exterminated were not innocent pacifists… They all had committed horrendous crimes against humanity, often had repeatedly attacked the Isrealites, and had ignored several warnings from G-d
Several warnings from God? According to who? The Israelites?
Furthermore, it was better (from an eternal) perspective for the children to be killed before the age of reason, and before they joined the sinful practices which would have ultimately lead to their judgment.
Oh dear.
So God would be better off allowing the killing of his children before they sinned and were judged.
The real question is, why did God, not kill EVERYONE before they sinned?
Why…did God create any of us, knowing we would sin and therefore end up in hell, and choose these “specific” children, to die(and hence be saved) before they could choose?
If it is true, that God will kill a child so they can not be judged badly, then why didn’t God grant me that favour so I could go to heaven?
I have not purposefully physically harmed someone, something that is very easy to verify
This is not actually the claim to fame that people make it out to be. I would like to think, that the only way I ever hurt another is because I chose to.
That’s my point. You may have never “purposefully” harmed some-one, but until you can accept you WILL harm some-one through your own failings you will never self-analzye your behavoiur and therefore, will hurt people.
Being Christian does not excuse one from contemplating their behavior and reflecting on the possible negative impacts our actions might have had on someone. In fact, when Catholics go to confession, we examine our consciences (and we are instructed to examine our conscience at Mass). This involves us silently reflecting whilst all number of wrongful behaviours are read out and we decide whether we are guilty of that behavior. Furthermore, the Golden rule was the central teaching in Jesus’s sermon on personal morality…
This is not the issue. The issue is, a blind obediance to a church that tells you what is or is not wrong.
If you BELIEVE the church is alway’s right why would you ever question your own behaviour and see for yourself, you are hurting people?
- Objective secular morals do not exist and,
- Christianity’s (assuming its true for arguments sake) morality is objective because it is believed to be written on ALL mans hearts.
One cannot assume christianity is true.
They can only believe it.
Therefore, I can say that what Hitler did was wrong and be consistent with my beliefs, but an Atheist cannot condmen Hitler and be consistent… doesn’t mean Christianity is right, just to do with morality
I can and do insist that hitler was wrong rationally. You can only condem what hitler was wrong as a result of YOUR personal beliefs.
How can your personal views on things, beat rational thinking?
Who are you to “believe” that something is right or wrong?
I’m not having a go at you, even if it sounds like that. I get the impression that because you believe something, you think it is therefore truth.
That…is the problem with faith.