Do we really have religious freedom?

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Emphasis on Christianity I’m not worried about other religions:
I know the government likes to tell us that we have religious freedom and that we can express our faith. But their actions seem to contradict this statement, governments have gone against a lot of the teachings of the church. In fact it seems like the governments around the world have a negative bias towards Christianity, I’m yet to see a government that openly supports Christianity.

Points I’m trying to get across: The Christian voice on issues doesn’t seem to get much recognition in this day and age. Christians are having to conform to, and be involved with things like abortion, Euthanasia and gay marriages and it can only get worse from here…
Many of the Western countries that are making decisions the Church doesn’t accept are built on traditional christian values so what’s going on here? Why are they turning their backs all of a sudden?
Religious freedom is not limited to being able to go to church on a Sunday and that’s not what we are called to do as Christians.
Just because you believe you have religious freedom in your country doesn’t mean the rest of the world is the same or has the same opinion.

It may seem like I’m arguing for christian domination in the Western World and that’s because I am, many Western Countries have been very religious for so many years why should that change now. The statistics about Christianity in Europe is really scary and governments aren’t helping the situation. Why was Christianity so successful in the Western world in the past? people and governments stood up for Christianity something which they don’t do now. And also this is Catholic Answers Forums forum hence why my viewpoint.

The fact that I have people disagreeing with me means I must be saying something right… Really think about this people I’m not jut talking about our current situation I’m also thinking about the future:
Going into the future the Christian population is only going to decrease in the Western world no one seems to bother one bit about it. Not one country wants to protect Christianity and this is what I’m confused about, people from all other religion such as Islam and Hinduism are trying to protect their religion with the support of their government where are the Christians at? I wouldn’t be surprised if another religion overtook Christianity in some European country people nor governments, don’t really care…
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Religion has long been used as a means to control people so freedom implies you are free to choose which one too follow instead of it choosing you.
We have it now in degrees but if we don’t STAND UP FOR OUR FAITH we won’t have it much longer.
Okay I’ll bite… how? (already regretting it)
All rights and freedoms are God given, they do not derive from the Government.
We are born into countries with governments that either recognize or fail to recognize these rights and freedoms to varying degrees .
Our Lord told us we would be persecuted, many would doubt etc…we wont always be surrounded by those with the same values. It is up to us to hold on to our faith in the midst of it all.
Can you give a few examples of how the government is impeding our religious freedom?
The government has a lot to do with everything the gay marriage vote was rigged in favor of the yes vote. Governments around the world are deciding on euthanasia, there is a lack of support for Christian teachings however governments seem happy to introduce to kids other religions. In certain countries people aren’t allowed to practice their faith yet the people of that country seem to be able to practice their faith anywhere in the world (Middle East). If you think about it the number of countries that persecute Christians is crazy. It’s just small things like this that show they have a bias against us and small things like this that stand against our religious freedom.

Give me a country that openly supports Christianity? Even the fact that we lack countries that are majority Christians show that governments have something to do with it, look at the Middle East and how well they protect their own religion are there countries out there that would do this for Christianity?
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Yeah there is something going on…it’s like you’re forbid to show your faith. Many are trying to remove the part where it mentions God in the pledge of allegiance, the “In God we trust” on currency, forbidence of prayer in schools, etc.
Religion has long been used as a means to control people so freedom implies you are free to choose which one too follow instead of it choosing you.
I’m talking about government prejudice against Christianity, what do you mean you can chose what ever religion you want to come to reality and realize that the government are in control. They could even create their own religion if they wanted to and make it popular. Government are one of the key culprits in the fall of Christianity. They are in control of education, policy making and foreign relations etc. How do you think Hitler managed to get such a following he used propaganda and education to his advantage. Like I said previously when it comes to the religious freedom of Islam there are many people that would stand up for it where are the Christians?

This has a lot to do with how Christians are unevenly spread around the world with like a 1000 different denominations, if everyone was catholic we would’t have any problems it is division that stands in our way.
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People do have the FREEDOM to practice any religion, by virtue of the fact that we have free will, but we don’t necessarily have the RIGHT to.

In fact, according to traditional church teaching, the Catholic Church ALONE has the RIGHT to public worship, even though it might not feel that way.
The government has a lot to do with everything the gay marriage vote was rigged in favor of the yes vote.
Gay people getting married has not interfered with my going to Mass, praying, worshipping or having a relationship with Jesus. The only outstanding issue is the cake case, which seems likely to come out in the baker’s favor and doesn’t affect me personally since I’m not a businessperson concerned with gay weddings.

People have been fornicating, divorcing and remarrying, and embracing atheism in this country for years too and it’s not affecting me practicing and living my faith.
People do have the FREEDOM to practice any religion, by virtue of the fact that we have free will, but we don’t necessarily have the RIGHT to.

In fact, according to traditional church teaching, the Catholic Church ALONE has the RIGHT to public worship, even though it might not feel that way.
Freedom to practice ANY religion in the Western World only everywhere else it’s another story…
Gay people getting married has not interfered with my going to Mass, praying, worshipping or having a relationship with Jesus. The only outstanding issue is the cake case, which seems likely to come out in the baker’s favor and doesn’t affect me personally since I’m not a businessperson concerned with gay weddings.

People have been fornicating, divorcing and remarrying, and embracing atheism in this country for years too and it’s not affecting me practicing and living my faith.
It’s not about it standing in the way of you going to mass it’s about purposely taking a stance against Christian values which these so called countries where once built upon. See any Muslim majority countries doing this? This is a wake up call…
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Most of these things are a consequence of living in a pluralistic society and are not so much restrictions on us as they are insuring the collective civil rights of others as agreed through the civil process.
But part of civil living is the acceptance, to some degree, of a give and take. We need not always interpret the rights of others as an infringement on our own. We are all trying to live together. We implicitly consent to the democratic process that tries its best not to interfere in religion. But where my practice of my beliefs in some way diminished legal rights of others, I have ot expect to give some ground even as I may still be working on changing things legally.
I’d much rather be on the Christianity side - lol
I like going against the grain - against the odds -
It’s a cake walk in America -
But in other countries, I’d sure be nervous for my life.
Once or twice, I have questioned myself - do I have ‘the stuff’ of martyrs ?
I don’t need to ask myself if there’s a Heaven - etc
I’m talking about government prejudice against Christianity.
Which I’ve yet to encounter in the sense most Christians make it sound. There is no evil plan on a white board somewhere with “Suppress Christianity” on it as a step.
what do you mean you can chose what ever religion you want?
There was more to that question but it didn’t make sense so I’ll focus on the heart of it.
No one is going to kick in your door and hold you at gun point or anything for any religion you choose in western society. You don’t get extra taxes or less land opportunity. You have the same rights as everyone else.
They could even create their own religion if they wanted to and make it popular.
Government are one of the key culprits in the fall of Christianity.
No, Christians are the reason its failing, you really think people aren’t showing up on Sunday because your local city bylaw forbids a nativity scene?
They are falling away in droves because of the inability for religion to make any meaningful impact to them. The church body fails to adapt time and time again even if Rome keeps up there are countless Christians in the dark about what their actual religion is about and feel its dated and lost.
They are in control of education, policy making and foreign relations etc.
None of which has any impact on your ability to go to church on Sunday.
How do you think Hitler managed to get such a following he used propaganda and education to his advantage.
First, Godwin’s law!!! Whoop whoop!
Dang I haven’t been able to do that since the neo nazis were everywhere and broke it but thanks for allowing me to pull out that goody.

Second the geo political reasons Germany went to war was because the Germans were paying the price for a War (WW1) they didn’t start. Heavy interference from other nations and just the general feeling of being national emasculated was really easy to rally people to “German pride” and retake their right as a country.
Like I said previously when it comes to the religious freedom of Islam there are many people that would stand up for it where are the Christians?
I stand for you as much as I stand for Islam, I know my local government officials would too.
This has a lot to do with how Christians are unevenly spread around the world with like a 1000 different denominations, if everyone was catholic we wouldn’t have any problems it is division that stands in our way.
This right here is a huge part of why I’m not catholic to start with so excuse an bitterness that follows:
If more of you Catholics would spend less time regurgitating your lessons without thinking and addressing the problems both in the church on a local scale and international scale people wouldn’t be falling away to start their own sects every time you ignored their needs.

Stop chanting “The church is infallible, its Gods will and I’ll pray for you.” When you drastically need to collectively get off your asses and put your hand to the plow.

If your church is sick maybe spend a few hours each week helping your fellow man where they need it most instead of quoting scripture then moving on your merry way.
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There are some worrying developments like the cake case, but a lot of the so-called persecution is a loss of hegemony and a greater insistence on minority rights. I live among people who only grudgingly consider me a Christian. So I have a vested interest in a non-sectarian state.
I lived in Riyadh for three years. I was there during 9/11. It was an…education.

It’s not the US or Europe and they have their own laws. Yes, I found the intolerance - nay, the near ILLEGALITY - of Christianity (and the way they ‘got around’ that was an incredible tap dance) offensive, but it’s not my country. It’s not my way of life. I was a guest in their country (we were guests, I should say; my husband was the one working there). I was expected to abide by their laws. When the Saudis come here, you better believe I expect them to abide by our laws.

I’m not talking about the human rights violations - we all agree that they’re wrong.

Yes, there were aspects I found intolerable and outrageous. It’s why I didn’t stay there longer than I did. But my husband was working there and my being there was the right thing for us at the time.
It’s not about it standing in the way of you going to mass it’s about purposely taking a stance against Christian values which these so called countries where once built upon. See any Muslim majority countries doing this? This is a wake up call…
You’re confusing “religious freedom” with “everybody agreeing with you”. You sound just like those majority Muslim countries you criticize.
In my lifetime I’ve had more JWs, Free Will Baptists, and Holiness Pentecostals in my face telling me their church/religion/beliefs are infallible and that they’ll pray for me to “see the light” than I’ve ever had Catholics.

Have I come to believe that this is the One True Church? Yes. Do I tell my evangelical friends that? No, I don’t. Because I love them and I respect them greatly. I pray for them, but I believe they are good people who are following their faith and doing what they feel is right. They’ve never led me to believe otherwise. They’re happy for me that I’m happy and several of them have actually asked me questions about things I’ve learned - not to provoke me or start a heated debate, but because they actually don’t know much about Catholicism.

BUT - I will agree with you that there are ways to get the point across about one’s own church - no matter what it is - and I’m not sure that I completely disagree with you on that. However, as this is a CATHOLIC site, and I believe that the poster meant that for a primarily Catholic or well-on-their-way-to-that audience, I support their full right to say it. And for them to believe that they’re right.
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