Do we really have religious freedom?

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No, I did not misinterpret what you said. You’re trying to tie personal religious freedom to governments following the precepts of a particular religion. Those are two separate issues.

And don’t try to tell me where my horizons are, because you obviously have no clue
First of all this is just an online forum there is no need to take things so personally.
Secondly when I’m talking about governments I’m talking on a global scale your perspective seems to be about your own country only, hence why I said expand your horizon things aren’t perfect all around the world
Thirdly Personal religious freedom and religious freedom in general go hand in hand the government are making policies that go against my faith who knows where this will all end… And no they are not two separate issues.
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Here where I live in the Philippines which is an 85% Catholic country.
Yeah that’s good but I’m talking about openly supporting Christianity like the views of the church, I don’t know enough about the Philippines to come to a conclusion about this.
Organized religion has been used to support almost all of the wars fought over the history of mankind. The governments of this world [under Satan’s control] have used religious institutions to support their lust for power. Just read any history book and you will see what I mean. The Bible tells us at Revelation 17 that soon the United Nations will turn their attention to organized religion and see the need to remove it from the earth. Agenda 21 which was signed by over 170 nations in 1992 was a document to create a sustainable earth. [everyone realize that we can not carry on the way we are treating the earth] In this document, it was suggested that organized religion must be eliminated. The UN will bring this about soon. If you wish more infomation about Revelation chapter 17, I will mail you some if you request it.
First of all this is just an online forum there is no need to take things so personally.

Secondly when I’m talking about governments I’m talking on a global scale your perspective seems to be about your own country only, hence why I said expand your horizon things aren’t perfect all around the world

Thirdly Personal religious freedom and religious freedom in general go hand in hand the government are making policies that go against my faith who knows where this will all end… And no they are not two separate issues.
No, my perspective is not just about my own country. Once again, you are completely wrong.
No, my perspective is not just about my own country. Once again, you are completely wrong.
Wrong on what? You just can’t accept the reality that the government is in control. As a christian I shouldn’t just be worried about being able to go to church on a Sunday there is more to it then that all the policies that are being made effect me and all other Christians one way or another. If you care so much about other countries you would have agreed with me a long time ago. I can freely go to church without no fear any day I choose, however there are people out there who can’t do that and would like to, I can’t just ignore them and think about my own world.
Please actually read posts before responding. One last time, and do try to keep up – you are flatly, completely wrong on my perspective.
What about MY perspective the one which you have been ignoring this whole thread? Not going to reply anymore as this seems to be going nowhere what so ever…
Countering a point like that is disingenuous.

This isn’t a matter of opinion it’s a point on how governments should not base their morality on religion they should base it on people. We don’t live in the dark ages where religion is a sign of community unity in a Nation and other religions are sign of foreign influence.
Yawn. If the Papal States still existed I’d move there in a heartbeat. I’d rather live in a country run by the Catholic Church than in any of the Marxist cesspits polluting the Earth…
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Marxist cess pole? Time out.

You are aware political orientation is like the colour spectrum and morality (if it must be applied) is the shade axis? You can have a moral political left government as much as an immoral right leaning one. Right and left is a matter of organization not morality. Just like choice of leadership be it democracy, oligarchy, dictator ship, imperial are not moral choices. They are systems of running things.
Marxism is an ideology that completely pervades any society where it’s imposed…
What about MY perspective the one which you have been ignoring this whole thread?
🤣🤣 Sure, that’s only what I responded to in my first post.

You do have an odd definition of “ignoring.”
The only reason I had to go off-topic was to correct your false statements about my perspective.

But that’s okay. I’m muting this thread now, and you can continue to say any false things you want about me, without fear of being contradicted by facts. Enjoy!
I think people are concentrating on the U.S. because the U.S. actually has a guarantee of religious freedom. In countries that do not have that, or even have official religions and persecute others, obviously the answer to your question is no. What happens to our brothers and sisters (or members of other minority religions) in those places is terrible and tragic, and we as the Church should help however we can, but it’s not an interesting part of the “religious freedom” discussion because the answer regarding those places is clearly “nope, don’t got it.”

When it comes to America and the West, you do seem to be arguing for Christian dominance rather than religious freedom for everyone. That is a more contentious issue and so draws more replies.
It’s like that Bob Marley song, “Get Up Stand Up”. We gotta stand up for our rights no matter what. If someone tries repressing Christianity we must fight back! Prayer never hurts too!
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